Chapter 29: Brief Bliss

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A/N: Hello everyone! Happy New Year and for my Latino followers Happy Three Wise Men Day! Sorry I been a little quiet but I'm starting college soon and things have been really hectic. I do have some bittersweet news that we're getting near the end of this fic. I'm thinking we'll be done by March or April if I can write at a fast pace, but I'm almost certain I can finish before summer ends. I hope you all enjoy this chapter and thank you for reading!

©Bleach and its characters don't belong to me, they belong to Tite Kubo and Shounen Jump. Only Anna Maria, Choco, Jeanne, and the Fujiwara clan belong to me.

Chapter 29: Brief Bliss

It was harder to run than she expected. Orihime knew Nemu specialized in hand-to-hand combat, and that she was quite fast. That being said, this hollow seemed to be faster.

Orihime shielded Nemu when necessary, the shinigami adapted to this style of fighting easily and could land a few attacks on the hollow, but it wasn't enough to kill it.

"Nemu-san, should I try to cut it down too?"

"Yes. The more the better."

Orihime nodded, getting ready to attack. Nemu would lead the target into position, after she attacked the hollow would be weak enough for Nemu to use her zanpakuto.

It was scary, to see such a gigantic hollow charging at her full speed. 'It doesn't matter, I've faced worse, and I'm still here.'

She got ready and waited for Nemu's signal. Once Nemu raised her hand, she knew what to do.

"Koten Zanshun, I reject!

Nemu jumped out of the way just in time. The yellow glow consumed the hollow, leaving only a mangled husk. He was quickly dispatched.

"That took less time than expected. Thank you for assistance, Inoue-san."

"You're welcome. I'm happy I could help. Um, Nemu-san, do you know who sent the hollow?"

"From the sample I've taken, it seems this is not an artificial hollow. That discards Anna, activity on the area has been low as of late, so a big hollow showing up isn't unusual. In any case, I'll tell the others to keep an eye out."


They arrived at school in the nick of time, luckily Nemu was in her class, so they could rush there together.

Lunch break came by fast. It was amusing to see her human friends interacting with Nemu. Special mention went to Michiru who told her she was pretty. Nemu was still blushing from that compliment.

"Hey Inoue, is it true you and Ulquiorra will be taking over the bakery?" Rio asked her.

"Yes, Miss Chiyo wanted it to be remodeled after she passed, so we'll likely reopen in a couple of weeks. Ulquiorra is there right now."

"Well then, we'll have to go there more often. Miss Chiyo will be sorely missed, but we know you'll both do great as the new owners."

"Thanks, everyone. I appreciate the support."

"Hey! I just got a great idea! You could offer some treats during the back to school concert. That could be a good advertisement."

"That's perfect! Thanks, Mahona. I'll call Ulquiorra right now!"

She walked away from the group and quickly dialed Ulquiorra's number.

"Hello, my dear."

Orihime chuckled. "Hello, handsome. How's everything back at the bakery?"

"Everything is going well. Azuka-san said that we can reopen during the Valentine's festivities. She'll be moving away in May, so we have three months to get the reigns of management."

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