Chapter 18: Unstable Credence

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A/N: Finally I can upload. Sorry for taking so long everyone, I started college again and this chapter is really long one. I hope it's worth the wait and you all enjoy! Thanks for reading!

(Mini note here: the song for the chapter is in Spanish but I've translated it when it becomes important during the chapter. You'll see once you read it. Fun Fact, the female singer is Orihime's voice actress in the Spanish dub of Bleach)

© Bleach and it's charceters don't belong to me. They belong to Tite Kubo and Shounen Jump (Only Shizuka, Anna and Jeanne belong to me)

Chapter 18: Unstable Credence

Orihime fell backwards onto the cold sand. She didn't have time to move as Mila was coming down on her with her lion claws.

"Santen Kesshun, I reject!"

Mila bounced against her shield and retreated. Orihime too that as an opportunity to attack, before the lioness arrancar had a chance act first.

"Koren Zanshun, I reject!" The many yellow lights headed towards Mila, but Gantenbine intervened just in time.

'Fighting two people at the same time is so different from before...'

She changed her approach, watch out for both of her opponents. As she saw Gantenbine rushing towards her with his sword Orihime made sure to have a way to retaliate.

"Megami no Ha, I reject!" She held the blade in a blocking stance trying to figure out how would Gantenbine attack next.

She could hear Mila trying to sneak up behind her, just as Gantenbine struck her sword again. "Shiten Koshun, I reject!" This time she used a bubble instead of a shield. When her opponents attacked the bubble, their attacks reflected at them.

Orihime quickly materialized her sword again, Gantenbine stood up first. "Koten Zanshun!" The sharp light fragments kept the male Arrancar pinned down. Seeing how Mila was getting up Orihime turned her attention to her.

Once again, she used her sword to block Mila, waiting for the moment to strike. The second the lioness let her guard down Orihime used her shield again.

Mila seemed to catch on to what she was doing, yet it was too late, she had already hit the shield and her attack reflected instantly.

"Match over! Orihime is the winner!" Halibel declared from the stairs. Jeanne quickly made her way down the marble steps and checked on the others. "They're uninjured. Give em' five minutes and they'll be up. Good job girlie!"

"Thanks Jeanne-San. I feel bad having to knock them out."

"Don't worry, arrancar organs and bone are harder than humans. If they weren't then Nnoitra would probably have died a thousand times already."

Orihime chuckled. "I guess you're right."

"You can both go inside. I'll wait for these two to get back up." Jeanne sat back down to wait for Gantenbine and Mila.

"Very well, we'll be at the lounge."

She walked in silence with Halibel. The halls looked just as she remembered. 'To think that just two months ago these halls were like a prison, now they're like second nature.'

"Tell me Inoue, how has life with Ulquiorra and Kukkapuro been?"

"It's been wonderful! We're all a little anxious because of Anna, but time with the boys has been really nice. I suspect Ulquiorra enjoys too, he's even a better cook than me! We've also been to new places and he seems quite settled in. Kukkapuro is just like a regular pup, his presence really cheers us up when we need it. I can't imagine not having them around anymore. Guess I've grown attached." she giggled nervously and scratched the back of her head.

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