Chapter 10: Akai

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A/N: Surprise! A chapter that didn't take a month for me to upload! You guys have been such nice readers and I feel guilty taking so long to upload so when motivation struck I kept writing as fast as possible. I hope you all like and thanks for reading!

© Bleach and its characters don't belong to me. They belong to Tite Kubo and Shonen Jump (Only Anna and Shizuka belong to me)

Chapter 10: Akai

"Woman wake up. We must leave."

Orihime felt someone gently shaking her by the shoulder. She had a horrible headache, her eyes feel heavy and she still felt drained. Her mind quickly drifted back to yesterday's events. 'No wonder I feel like a zombie.'

"Ulquiorra? What time is it?"

"It is 7:00 in the morning. I have found a way to help you train."

"Really? What are we going to do?"

"We shall train in Hueco Mundo."

No matter how many times she traveled via garganta she still felt dizzy afterward. The throne room was empty when they arrived.

"Should we call for someone?"

"There's no need. They'll realize we are here soon enough."

Just as Ulquiorra finished talking Orihime saw Jeanne heading towards them. The female arrancar wasn't wearing her usual nurse uniform. She had a sports shirt and shorts and her blue hair was tied in a messy bun.

"Hey guys! I was wondering when you'd visit. What brings you here?"

"We have come here to train. The woman particularly wants to perfect her offensive abilities."

"That's great! The girls and I were just sparring down at the basement. If you guys want we can all train together."

"I'd like that."

He had to admit that Halibel had done a fantastic job at keeping Las Noches spotless. The training facilities were still functional. They consisted of many wide white rooms with glass windows. The rooms were indestructible and allowed for the arrancars to use their release forms.

Mila Rose and Cyan were both in release form. From what he could gather the tanned Arrancar was getting the upper hand in the battle, as she was quick to evade the constant attacks of Cyan's snake tail.

"Who's winning?" Jeanne asked Apacci.

"Cyan has been on top for a while, but Mila is close to turning it around. They both look tired as hell."

The fight continued as Mila kept evading Cyan's attacks. The snake Arrancar changed her approached and lunged towards her opponent trying to capture her with her long sleeves. Mila took this as a chance to attack grabbing Cyan's sleeves and pulling her close enough to punch her in the stomach.

The green haired arrancar crashed into the wall. The impact was strong enough to nearly knock her out. "I yield." she muttered.

Jeanne opened the door to the room and began healing Cyan.

"Sorry about that. I overdid it." Mila begrudgingly apologized.

"Please, this won't even leave a bruise. Next time I'll get you."

"Girls! No more fighting! I need to patch you up before I continue training. Now hush and let your sexy nurse take care of business."

Everyone was so distracted they didn't notice Halibel and Nnoitra had come in the training room.

"For the last time Nnoitra, I have no interest in fighting you."

"C'mon Halibel! Ya afraid I'll take the throne if I win?"

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