Chapter 14: Slowly Mending

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A/N: Hello everyone! Sorry for the huge delay, I been really sick these past weeks and have been unable to write. I have the next three chapters planned so hopefully I'll update multiple time this week.

So a quick announcement before I go on. I've decided to divide the fic into two parts. Part one ends after the final showdown and part two begins afterwards. I won't go into details since that's spoiler territory, but in between those parts I'll be writing a small prequel that answers some questions about the 'villainous' characters and the OC's (Aizen, Anna, the fullbringers, etc.)  seeing as those elements will come into play in part two. Most of the prequel will be based on my headcanons so it does not follow the manga per se. If you're not into that, you can skip the prequel and read part 2 without it. Anyway, I hope you enjoy and thanks for reading!

©Bleach and its characters don't belong to me, they belong to Tite Kubo and Shonen Jump. The only characters that belong to me are Shizuka, Anna Maria, and Jeanne.

Chapter 14: Slowly Mending

"You think they fucked?"

"Of course not you idiot! They would've locked the doors! Besides can you see they're clothed! Now shut up, we'll wake em!"

Orihime awoke to the sound of bickering voices. Jeanne and Nnoitra were bringing a cart with trays and a jar of water.

"Sorry to wake you girlie. We're glad you guys are doing better."

"And cuddly too." Nnoitra snickered.

It was then Orihime realized Ulquiorra was still sleeping on her chest. 'This looks so wrong.' she didn't mind it, but it was clear her arrancar friends had imagined something else.

"Thanks for looking out for us. Sorry for all the trouble."

"No trouble at all girlie. Once you guys eat Halibel called a meeting in the throne room. See ya there!"

When the others exited the room. Orihime slowly ran her fingers through Ulquiorra's hair, trying to wake him. He stirred a little, removing his hands from her waist.

"Ulquiorra, it's morning."

He still looked exhausted from last night, his eyes were glossy and his movent slow. "Good morning woman."

"Good morning Ulquiorra. The others brought us breakfast. Before we leave we need to meet with Halibel."

He nodded and ate his meal in silence, Orihime could tell the previous events had shaken him. 'It's not every day that you find out how you died.' she was still surprised too. That her previous life was so short and bittersweet, and that she had known Ulquiorra back then too. 'I I will wait until he wants to talk, it's only fair.'

When their meal was done they felt awake enough and headed for the throne room. Everyone was waiting.

"How are you two feeling?" Halibel asked.

"We're fine, just a bit sleepy. What about everyone else?"

"We're unharmed. Anna left before she could cause more damage. Seeing how she didn't set her sights on us or Las Noches we can assume we're safe for now." Jeanne confirmed her suspicions.

"We saw her take a box. Apparently, her old teacher had entrusted her with its contents. I'm still unsure of what they were-"

"Bones. They were bones." Orihime cut Ulquiorra off. She saw them in Anna's dream, at first she was not sure, but as she replayed the memory on her head it became clear.

"What would Anna want with bones?" Nnoitra asked. "Seems pointless."

"Perhaps they're bones from an important person? Latin American cultures take burial seriously." Gantenbine mentioned.

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