Chapter 28: The Shift

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A/N: Happy second anniversary! Technically the anniversary was back on Monday but I couldn't finish this chapter in time 😅 My apologies. Anyway, I'm so glad to have all of you still reading this story for so long. It means the world to me, and I appreciate the support. I hope to be finished with the fic at 44 chapters. So yeah we're close to the end my dearies! As always, I hope you enjoy the chapter and thanks for reading! 😜🤗

© Bleach and its characters don't belong to me. They belong to Tite Kubo and Shounen Jump. Only Anna, Jeanne, the Fujiwara family, and Chiyo belong to me.

Chapter 28: The Shift.

"Can't believe you're going back just to bake treats."

Ulquiorra rolled his eyes as he finished packing his suitcase. "Not all of us want to spend the rest of our lives fighting, Nnoitra."

The fifth Arrancar shrugged. "A pity, but still, I didn't take you for the cooking type."

"Neither did I, To be honest with you, there's a lot of things I never thought I would do, or even grow to like. Now I can't imagine my life without them."

"Geez, you sound like your woman."

Ulquiorra smiled. "I'll take that as a compliment."

"Of course ya will." Nnoitra scoffed. "You and Tesla are so lovestruck it's infuriating."

"Call it what you like Quinta, but after centuries of emptiness, I've finally found happiness."

"Well then, I'm happy for you."

Ulquiorra raised an eyebrow. "Who are you and what have you done with Nnoitra?"

"I killed him and am now wearing his skin, satisfied?"

"Not quite, you could've chosen a more handsome skin."

"Hey! Not all of us are pretty boys like you!"

"Okay, pretty boys stop fighting! We have everything ready in the kitchen, so get moving." Jeanne came through the door gesturing for them to follow.

"I really don't understand your princess and her ideas but I'd be lying if I said this arrangement it's better than what we had before."

"I hate winter. It's cold, we have to go back to school and girls are bundled up in big coats."

"Keigo, you don't get dates even when the girls are wearing bikinis." Mizuiro pointed out.

"You don't have to say it like that!"Keigo pouted and leaned onto Chad's shoulder. He gently patted his friend's head.

"Instead of crying about your nonexistent dates, you should be focusing on school. We're going back in three days and your grades haven't improved."

"C'mon Tatsuki, you know we're not nerds! Ichigo, Chad, Orihime and Uryu are!"

"Which is why I'll be able to get into the university of my choice, so I do suggest you start reviewing before classes start."

Keigo rolled his eyes and obeyed his Quincy friend. Chad smiled, seeing most of his friend group talking and having fun together was something he'd wanted for a while.

"Where are the others? I thought they'd get home from Hueco Mundo today." Ichigo asked.

"They'll be back in the evening, as for Shizuka and Nemu, they're on a mission."

"That explains it. I just need us all to talk later."

"About what?" Chad asked him.

"Something important."

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