Chapter 31: Fearless

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A/N: Hello everyone! Hope you all enjoyed the last chapter, we'll have two more with Shizuka's mini Arc and then get back to more Ulquihime fluff. The next one might take me a bit to finish since I've just started college and it's a long chapter, but I'll try to have it ready by February at the very least. Thanks for your feedback last chapter and if you like this one too, feel free to leave me a comment as well. I hope you like and thanks for reading!🤗😋

*Trigger warning for: mentions and depictions of abuse (physical, emotions and sexual)

©Bleach and it's characters don't belong to me. They belong to Tite Kubo and Shounen Jump. Only Anna, and The Fujiwara Clan, belong to me.

Chapter 31: Fearless

"She's gone. I can't even begin to assimilate it." Tatsuki snuggled close to him, Ichigo wrapped his arms around her.

"I know. I don't think any of us have." He glanced at Chad, his best friend was lost in thought, not speaking or interacting with anyone. "You ok, Chad?"

"Yes. Sorry, I'm just tired."

He didn't press the issue further. All of them had the right to feel tired, especially Chad.

"I think it's about time we all head back to our houses. We have been invading your room for quite a while already." Ulquiorra sat up. "It would be wise for Riruka and Nemu to stay elsewhere, at least for tonight. I'm sure you don't want to stay in the house without Shizuka."

"You're right. I really don't want to go back home right now. What about you, Nemu?"

The shinigami didn't answer. She was clutching her phone tightly and trembling.

"Nemu, are you okay?" Ichigo asked.

When Nemu turned around she looked like she would break her phone in a rage. "I'm afraid we have a problem. Shizuka's betrothed is Tokinada Tsunayashiro"

The mere revelation made him nauseous. The others weren't reacting well to it either.

"Is Asami insane?! Not only is Tokinada twice their age but he killed his previous wife! Who's to say he won't do the same to Shizuka!"

"Legally speaking, it's likely he won't. Kakyo's murder was likely 'overlooked' because she was from Rukon. Shizuka is a noble, and from a family that surpasses the Tsunayashiro clan in wealth. If he kills her then there would be severe consequences. Anything else he does once they're married, however, is fair game."

"Damn it," Ichigo muttered. "Should we proceed as planned?"

"I say we do. Despite this revelation, Shizuka specifically asked us to trust her. Besides, it's likely the Soul Society has us under surveillance."

Shizuka had told him to stay put, and Ichigo would follow through. Still, he needed to do something, and he had to do it soon.

'They can observe everything, but not our dreams.' Resolved, the substitute shinigami knew just how he would help his friend.

He was often the one summoned, not the one doing the summoning.

From the moment Jeanne had told him Anna could help, Ulquiorra has made up his mind. He didn't expect Kurosaki to do the same.

The redhead appeared beside him, likely calling out to Anna as well. The two men didn't say anything, just nodded and acknowledged each other.

Soon enough Anna came to them. Unlike their other encounters she seemed confused and a little miffed.

"Boys, I know that the device allows you to contact me too, but can you not give me a headache when you do? The only person allowed to call on me this late is Aizen."

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