Chapter 19: The Vicennial Xcution

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A/N: Hello everybody! So quick announcement we are three chapters away from the end of part one, after part one is done I'll write the prequel and then part two. Just thought you should know so there's no confusion later. Hope you all enjoy the chapter. Thanks for reading!

© Bleach and it's characters don't belong to me, they belong to Tite Kubo and Shounen Jump. Only Shizuka and Anna Maria belong to me.

Chapter 19: The Vicennial Xcution

"You're joking. My mother was a Quincy?!"

"Yes. The Kurosaki's were one of the few clans of pureblood Quincies that survived the purge 200 years ago. Masaki was the last of the pure quincies of the line, given that your father was a shinigami."

"Wait! How come you know this? I thought you only knew I was a substitute shinigami."

"Your mother and I went to the same school. I had to leave Naruki before graduation and we only kept in touch though calls and letters." Ginjo walked towards a nearby table and picked up a picture. He handed it to Ichigo.

It was a picture of his mother holding him when he was a baby

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It was a picture of his mother holding him when he was a baby. That simple image made him smile. Under picture his mom had written: Here I am with baby Ichigo! Hope to see you soon!

"Did you meet again?" He asked Ginjo.

He nodded. "Only a few times. She did bring you as a baby. You haven't changed much, just got taller and started scowling more."

Ichigo laughed at that. He remembered when his mom used to sit down with him to watch his baby photos. 'If I had known back then, how much everything would change...'

"If you and mom were such good friends, why didn't you come around more often? I didn't see you at her funeral."

"I wanted to, but it would have put her in danger."

"Why would she be in danger?"

Before could continue there was a knock on the basement door. Riruka was the one who opened it. "I figured you two would be down here. I brought the others as you asked."

As she stepped in, Uryu, Chad, and Orihime walked behind her. He was curious as to why Ginjo would want to speak to his friends as well. 'This probably concerns them too... Just what is he going to tell us?"

"Why did you can us Ginjo-San? Is there are a problem." Orihime asked.

"No Inoue, I didn't call you for that. You see I was speaking with Kurosaki about certain events of the past, and I believe they concern all of us. Please make yourselves comfortable. I'll try to be brief but that does not mean you won't have questions by the end of this."

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