Chapter 32: Finally Free

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A/N: Hello everyone! I hope you're all having fun. Today we finally close out the mini 'Shizuka arc' in this fic. I know that what you all like best it's our Ulquihime fluff and honestly, that's my favorite thing to write as well, but I wanted to give both my OC baby and Chad some love in the fic. They're the secondary protagonists after all. Do not fret, the Ulquihime fluff will return next chapter in full force. As always I hope you enjoy and feel free to tell me your thoughts in the comments. Thanks for reading! 🤗😋

© Bleach and its characters don't belong to me. They belong to Tite Kubo and Shounen Jump. Only Anna, Hanabira, and the Fujiwara Clan belong to me.

Chapter 32: Finally Free

"Does this mean that until further notice you won't be carrying out any attacks?" Shukuro asked, his father's decision left him speechless.

"Correct. Anna's already training Riruka's shinigami friend, she specifically told us to stay put, but I am glad you're up to date as well. Means you've talked."

Tsukishima looked away from the monitor. "Yes, we talked a little and I do know she's sorry and that she wants to fix things..."

"Then what's the problem kiddo?"

"I'm still unsure of what to do. A part of me feels like it'd be wrong to forgive what she's done. Riruka betrayed you, she betrayed our plans! Can I really forgive that?"

He looked at his father, who silently listened. "Alright. I won't tell you to forgive Riruka if you don't feel so inclined. What I will tell you, however, is not to hold onto a grudge for me."

"What? I'm not doing that!"

"Yes, you are. C'mon Shukuro, you can't tell me that you don't want to be with Riruka just for this! You loved that girl since you were both kids and now you're going to give it all up because she opposed me? Sure, I was livid before but now that the human kids are not against us and that I've seen how far they're willing to go for what they believe... I think my anger has fully subsided. Riruka didn't walk away because she no longer loved us but rather because we were being unfair to people who didn't deserve it."

Shukuro considered it. While Moe had done his best to keep his spirits up, his friend couldn't heal the ache Riruka's absence left in his heart.

No one could ever heal that. He knew the pink-haired girl since childhood and loved her since. He felt her absence on the other side of the bed, her angry voice when things were misplaced, her smile whenever they were together, the afternoons they stayed on the couch eating doughnuts. He couldn't fathom not having those moments again, not when the taste of her lips still lingered on his.

"Alright. I shall speak with her, but as of now, I know her biggest concern is her roommate's safety. Please tell Anna to make sure that girl lives."

Ginjo smiled. "You don't need to worry about that my friend. I can assure you that Shizuka shall come back stronger than ever."

"C'mon! Move through it!" Anna shouted as she looked down at her sister.

Shizuka could feel her eyes on her, but she couldn't bring herself to move. Anna had used her Bankai to create a horrific thunderstorm. There was golden lighting everywhere, the clouds turned the once blue sky into pitch black, and the ground elicited thousands of sparks.

She knew Asami's zanpakuto was one of lightning but that was all she knew. It terrified her, to think that she'd have to withstand a storm.

"What are you afraid of?! He's the lighting but you're the tide!"

The tide, waves, water, rapids. Shizuka envisioned it all in her mind as she tightly held onto Joonome.

"Joonome no Kozui!"

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