An Omega's Day

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Midoriya Izuku (Deku)

The moment I hear the birds chirping I'm awake and I know what has to be done.

I get up and dress in my formal attire, a fancy long-light gray polo shirt with a deep scarlet red tie, regular-jet-black- fancy jeans and my only pair of red sneakers, which were torn and worn out

"Sweetie, are you awake?" Mom asked as she continued to brush her silky green hair

"Yeah," I said giving her my best smile

She hated the way people of my pack would treat me, but then again, there is nothing that she can do anyway

"Mom I'll be going now," I said as I grabbed my gloves and ran out the broken old door

As an omega I was a servant to all, my job was to go around helping all the people of the pack.

They were allowed to treat me in any way they pleased, because of my title people would often beat me or say that I am not doing my job right which often caused trouble for me with the Alpha

"Midoriya" I heard Uraraka, my best friend say. She was my only friend. 

"Hey," I said plainly, clearly still tired. Always having to wake up at the first bird's chirp, and having to stay up til all the lights in the town went out. 

"So wanna come over and help me make some pancakes?" she asked as she jumped up and down in excitement

"If I am needed I am not allowed to say no, it is part of my job," I said happily

I followed her to her house

It was bigger than mine, but that was expected. I am just an omega after all. 


We spent a small part of the morning making pancakes

"Ochaco, what are you doing?" I heard Mrs.Uraraka shriek

Uraraka jumped at the sudden noise causing her to drop the bowl of pancake batter. 

"What is going in here?" A booming voice asked angrily

"Father" Uraraka yelped

I met eye contact with her father and his face grew angry

"You stupid omega, don't just stand there, clean it up," He yelled as he threw his shoe at me, hitting my face 

I let out a whimper of pain but, then did as he asked

"I'm so sorry sir," I said as I got on my hand and knees and began to clean up the mess with my own two hands

"Honey that was very unnecessary, he is just a child," Uraraka's mom said sadly as she looked towards her angry husband.

"He is not a child, he is a teenager and to make it worse he is an omega" Mr. Uraraka spat as he opened the door and walked out of the house, making sure to slam the door on his way out. 

"Son, I'm so sorry" I heard Mrs.Uraraka say as she helped me clean the mess

"Midoriya, are you okay? are you hurt?" Ochaco asked as she placed her hands on my cheeks and checked my face for cuts or bruises. 

This sudden act caused me to blush

"I'm alright, promise," I said with trying to hide my red face. 


After we finished cleaning the mess, I excused myself, by the looks of the sun it was around six in the morning. 

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