A 'Happy' Morning

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Midoriya Izuku

I ran as fast as I could, was it normal for us to live so close to danger? That man is dangerous to my family, he needs to go or I go, either way, this is not going to be allowed. My family will not stay with that beast.

I ran trying to avoid all of the trees, I occasionally got tangled in the vines but I was quick to untangle myself. Nothing was more important then to get to my mom at this time. Now that I know everything, the reason she didn't go to pack meetings, the reason she didn't go outside at all.

Today the crescent moon was shining bright, the stars brighter. The moon was calling for me, I could feel it giving of energy to me. I looked up towards the sky hoping god was watching over me. If you are up there please led me to my mom at this time. I was close, so freaking close, I need my mom, my only family.

Todoroki Shoto

I finally made it, I couldn't sleep with that boy in my head all day, but here I am now in dreamland jumping around the fluffy-floating-pink clouds.

The cold wind then began to run its way through my body, I close my eyes as the wind ran through every part of my bi-colored hair.

"Hello again," I said as I opened my eyes, I knew she was here, she is always here. 

"I miss you, Todo," She said giving me a smile.

"I miss your more my princess," I said as I walked towards her.

"I came here to talk to you about something important or really 'someone' important," She said as she landed on the ground from her past floating position.

"Come with me," She says as she grabs my hand as we hover together over dreamland.

I held tightly to her cold hands, they used to be warm, and even though they aren't any longer I can still fell the familiarness of them.

"Do you know Midoriya Izuku?" She asked as she continued to look ahead.

I wrapped my arms around his upper chest and pulled him close, I could smell him, he smelled amazing, so familiar yet so different.

"could you stop that please?"

"Huh?" I said as I shook my head getting back to Inos.

"I asked if you knew him," She said giving me a smile.

"N-no," I said looking elsewhere .

"Todo, are you lying to me?" She asked as she let go on my hand.

"I don't know what you're talking about," I said as I began to fly in circles so she wouldn't meet my gaze.

"But you shudder when you lie and then you avoid eye contact," She said as she floated closer to me.

She cupped my cheeks and brought me closer to her beautiful face, the face I will never see in person. EVER again.

"I'm going to ask you one more time, do you know Midoriya Izuku?" She asked giving me a smirk as she ran on of cold hands down my right arm,

"F-fine, I met him recently," I said shoving her away lightly.

"That's what I thought," She said as she suddenly disappeared.

"You know you can't lie to me," She whispered in my ears. I turned around to see that she had reappeared next to me.

"Whatever, what do you need to tell me?" I asked giving her a smile.

I miss her so much, I miss how she was always there for me and she always knew just what to say to make me feel better.

"Izuku is your mate," She said getting right to the point the way she used to way back then.


"that's impossible, the rules say that only one mate per person," I said in shock.

"What rules?" She asked giving me a daring look the kind of look I always get lost in.

"I don't know, I have just heard it," I admit.

"Well that maybe be true you are no ordinary person and neither am I," She said as she held onto my shoulders.

"I don't understand," I said as we continued to fly.

"I'm not human," She said bluntly

"What?" I said as we both suddenly fell on the ground landing in a place surrounded by darkness.

"I am Eirene the goddess of Peace," She said as she surrounded herself with a bright light.

Once the light was gone she was transformed into a god, she was even more beautiful than before and a bright area surrounded her.

Inos, I mean Eirene then told me the whole story about her deal with god and then going back, she then randomly started talking about Midoriya, and then it hit me.

"He IS MY MATE?" I yell thinking about him.

"Yes," She said rolling her eyes.

"You know even though you are a goddess your still pissing me off with that eye roll thing,"  I snapped.

"Yes Shoto, he is your mate and he needs caring and love, he is about to go through something big, and you're going to have to be there for him," She said as everything started to disintegrate.

"Inos wait," I said

"I can't your waking up," She said as she disappeared.   

I then sat up straight as soon as I could, was that real, I look down towards my hand, it's cold, the same feeling I had when I was holding her hand.

I then laid back down and tried to go back to sleep, I felt my eyelids begin to fall and I drifted back to sleep.

Pictures of Midoriya where all around.

Damn it, I can't even escape him in my head anymore.

"Todoroki," I heard a voice swoon

"M-Midoriya," I said as I turned around to see him standing there in the middle of the dark room

"Todoroki-san, I need you," he whispered seductively into my ear as he hung himself on me, his arms around his neck.

"M-" I was stopped when I felt his lips crash into mine, It felt like a spark, like a sign,

I continued to kiss him passionately. 

Just as things were about to get real I heard the annoying sound of the alarm bell. I wanted to smash it to pieces, damn it alarm, ruining my dream. I was about to get up when I felt the tightness in my pants.

Damn it!

"This is so not a good morning" I grumble looking out the bright window.

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