A Secrete Fear

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Todoroki Shoto

I woke up when I heard movements in the tent,

"Uraraka?" I ask as I try to shield myself from the radiant sun

"Wake up already we have to move," She said as she walked out of the tent with a yawn.

I turn towards Izuku and begin to shake him lightly in order to wake him up.

"Just a couple more days," he said as he pulled the blanket around him once again.

"Midoriya, it's time to go," I said as I move his hair and placed gentle kisses on his forehead.

"Todoroki-kun, please," he said tiredly

"Don't you want to see your mom?" I ask as I get up and stretched

"I forgot," he said as he jumped out of the bed and make his way towards his backpack.

I watched him throw a couple of shirts and shorts onto the floor.

"Um, Todo-san could you please leave for a bit," he said with a flustered face

I smirk a little but do as he says. I then made my way towards my tent and unzipped the opening. Katsuki and the redhead are still sleeping.

I change as fast as I can.

"What the hell are you doing man, it's way too early," Katsuki mumbles as one of his eyes are open to me.

"Get up already, it's time to go," I say as I place my backpack on my back.

"Fine," he growls as he begins to get up, I quickly made my way out not wanting to see any of that.

Midoriya Izuku

I continue to blush as I begin to dress, it was so embarrassing, I know he is my mate, which is the reason it is so embarrassing.

Once I'm done changing, I stuff my clothes into my backpack and make my way out towards the rest of the group.

I was nervous but excited, I was going to get to see my mom, I haven't seen her since I ran away, I don't know what she will think of me. I know that I am beginning to have feelings for Todoroki-kun but I'm afraid that mother won't approve.

"Hey! are you ready?" I heard Uraraka yell into my ear

"U-Uraraka, geez don't do that," I grumble as I cover my ear from the pain.

"Good morning everyone," I heard All Might boom, I turned towards him, like everyone else, he was changed and ready to go.

"Looks like everyone is ready to we will move soon," He said as he turned back towards his tent

Wait? Wait again? for how long? I need to help my people, I need to see my family.

"What?" I said aloud in question

"Yes, young Midoriya," He said as he turned his head towards me, his eyes piercing into my heart

"Why? Why must we wait while my mom is still captured, why must we wait while others are in need of our help?" I said losing control of my own mouth

"I understand, but we want to be the safest that we can," he said

"Do you really?" I said softly. I didn't know what I was saying, I have no control, I'm talking back to my Alpha, in the old pack this would have gotten me killed.

Uraraka Ochoco

Who was this? This is not my best friend, Midoriya never talks back to the Alpha, NEVER!

I place a hand on his shoulder hoping that would calm him down and stop him from talking back. I'm worried, this is not the same person who started the mission, could it be that maybe Todoroki-san did something.

I gave it some thought for a while, I then started getting dirty images

"No, no, no," I said as I began to freakishly shake my head

Todoroki-san is not like that, he would never do such things to Midoriya, not here, not when I was sleeping right next to them, Maybe the forest?

No, he would never, Todoroki-san is an Alpha, surely he has more class than that...Right?

I dropped the idea and the questions, I know they would never, Midoriya is a pure child, he doesn't know what that is.

Maybe it is something else, it has to be something else, could it be that he misses his mother? I remember when I first moved in he would never do anything aside from his jobs as an omega, he would always go home, when we became friends, I had to go to his house to see him, he was such a mamas boy, maybe still is.

"Don't worry, we'll get her soon," I said as I wrapped my arms around him, as his best friend my job is to be there when he needs me the most.

"Will we?" He asked me, his tone of voice sounds like he has lost all hope of ever seeing his mom again

"I promise that we will,"

"I'm so scared right now," He said as he emerald eyes turning black, almost as if he was being sucked into a black hole.

"Me too," I whispered lightly. I was, I really was, war has never been a part of me, yet, here I am standing before what is about to become a battle zone.

"Will we be alright," I ask as I felt tears make their way towards my eyes.

Todoroki Shoto

I watched them, jealous of their closeness, will Izuku and I ever be that close?

They were afraid, and I understand, they seem to have always lived in a prison and now that they are free, they have to fight to make sure that they are never imprisoned again, fear of being captured will make their way towards these two.

I look at them and I can see that they do not belong, but they are not weak, rather they are strong, the only things making them strong is their wish to go back and grant others the freedom that was put in front of them, so when the words slipped from my mouth I knew it was not a lie

"Yes, you will be alright," I said as I watched them.

I don't know Midoriya, not as well at Uraraka but looking at him I can tell that he is not himself, he won't open up to me, I understand, I am still a stranger, and I can not change that, at least not yet.

"Thank you," I heard him whisper lightly

What is it that you are so afraid of Midoriya Izuku? And why won't you tell me?

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