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Uraraka Ochaco

It has been a couple of days since Midoriya passed out, I was beginning to worry, I didn't know anyone in this pack and I was too nervous to say anything to anyone, I am proud of how far Izuku has been, he came to this pack all of his own, he knows everyone and everyone knows him.

I smiled at the sleeping boy in front of me, in the old pack there wouldn't be all of these flowers and get well cards, in the old pack Izuku would not be treated with care and he wouldn't be able to sleep, this is truly amazing, I am so happy.

I heard the door slide open but I didn't bother to turn, I didn't want to start a conversation with someone I didn't know.

"Oh, It's you again," I heard a cold voice say from the entrance of the hospital room.

I turned towards the door to see the same boy I saw last time, the one that was looking for Izuku and had the most beautiful eyes and his hair looked ever so soft.

"W-Who are you?" I asked using all of the confidence that I have.

"My name is Shoto Todoroki, and Izuku is mine so back off," He said. Alpha! With that tone of voice and every single word he just said, it all screamed Alpha, he must be one. I laughed at his words.

"I-Izuku, he's my best friend," I said still laughing at his attempt to frighten me, he let out a snarl and crossed his arms he was about to make his way towards the door.

"Wait! don't go," I said quietly not wanting to wake Izuku. He rolled his eyes and let out a tsk, I smiled as he walked towards me.

"I have a couple questions for you, Mr. Alpha sir," I said jabbing my finger on his chest.

"Whatever," He said in annoyance but looked towards Izuku with gentle eyes.

"First of all who are you to Izuku and why did you come in here with that attitude?" I asked finally glad to get some answers.

"I am Midoriy'a mate," He said as he ran his fingers softly over Izuku's cheeks

"What? impossible! Midoriya told me that his mate is dead," I said sadly

"Mine too, but it's a long story," Shoto said

I turned towards Izuku who looked like he was about to get up but then tossed and turned till he settled down again.

"Looks like we have time," I smiled

Todoroki Shoto

I told Midoriya's best friend the whole story about Inos, my visit to AMP and Eirene's words

"That must be awful," she said with teary eyes

"but I know that she isn't gone and that I still have a mate, I'm going to be alright," I said in monotone letting her know it's not that bad

"but that's why I came in here like that, I'm jealous of you," I said not meeting her gaze

Uraraka began to laugh at my words

"J-jealous of me? How?" She asked as she continued to laugh

"Well when I first saw you guys, you were holding his hand, I haven't held his hand yet," I said giving her a slight pout.

"Well, Wait does Midoriya even know you're his new mate?" She asked me with wide eyes.

"I-Not yet I guess," I admit I wasn't sure if he did know yet, but I'm going to go with no

"For your sake, I really do hope you are smarter than you are right now," Uraraka said as she smacked her face with her palm.

Midoriya Izuku (Deku)

I woke up to Uraraka facepalming herself, I turned to look towards her, I saw that Todo-san was also with her.

"Midoriya?" I heard him call my name, I turn my attention toward him.

"I'm so glad you're alright," He said giving me a light smile

"IZUKU!" Ochaco yelled in excitement, I was expecting a hug but a never came

"what happened?" I asked as I got off the bed

"I'm not sure but when we talked to AllMight you passed out," Uraraka told me trying not to laugh.

"Oh, man how lame," I said as I hugged my pillow in embarrassment.

"Yeah, but don't worry we got you here, and everyone was super worried," Uraraka said as she showed me all of the cards

I blushed lightly, nobody has ever cared about me so much as to bring me cards and flowers. I looked towards Todo-san.

"T-thank you," I said shyly as I began to look at all the cards

"What's wrong Izuku? What happened?" Todoroki asked me as he sat next to me.

"N-nothing," I shuddered at his closeness, I felt his passionate hands make their way towards my radiant face

"I can see the worry in your ascetic eyes, don't lie to me," He said looking me in the eyes.

The way he looked at me, I felt my heart melt, I want him to look at me like that forever, Wait! what am I saying. I felt my face redden at my thoughts.

"A-are you alright," He asked as he placed his forehead on mine.

"I think you might have a cold," He said looking at my eyes.

I looked towards Uraraka not wanting to meet his gaze, he was making my everything heat up, I looked at her and saw her giving me a wink, this caused me to blush more.

"I think I might be," I said as I pushed him off the bed and wrapped myself in the blanket.

"Don't come close! it might be contagious," I said as I hide behind the pillow on the bed

"I would risk it," Shoto said as he got up from the floor and sat on the bed again wanting to be close to Midoriya.

*Third Person*

Midoriya pretended to be asleep not wanting Shoto to get any closer to him, he was making Izuku's heart race and Midoriya has never felt this way before. Eventually after all that pretending he fell asleep for real. While the shorter boy was sleeping and Uraraka told everything to Shoto.

The Alpha in Shoto grew mad and overprotective over his new found mate, he wanted nothing more than to cuddle with Midoriya, and hearing what he is going through made his anger grow, it hurt him that Izuku wouldn't tell him this himself but then remembered that the smaller boy didn't know that he was his mate, at least not yet.

Second Mate| Tododeku {Alfa Todoroki x Omega Izuku}Where stories live. Discover now