A Dream With Truth.

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Midoriya Izuku 

I was sleeping now. that was the only thing that I knew for sure. There was this person in my dream. I have never seen her before in my life. Who was she and why was she here. She made me feel a little unsettled 

"Hello, Midoriya, you don't know me but I know you," She said as she walked towards me. 

"WHO ARE YOU AND HOW DO YOU KNOW MY NAME!" I yelled making sure to sound demanding. 

I took many steps back and I was beginning to wonder how far back I was. I looked around. It looked like I was walking in the sky, I liked it, it was empty and relaxing. If I was going to enjoy then I had to hear what this woman wanted to say. 

"My name is Eirene, but you will know me as Inos, Carla Inos, that is who I was on earth," She said giving me an angelic smile. 

"Nice to meet you Inos," I said giving her a welcoming smile and a gentle bow 

"First I'm going to need to tell you that you and I will be seeing a lot of each other, second I'm going to need you to sit down," as she said this she made a chair show up out of nowhere. It looked so comfortable I did as she told me and took a seat on the chair. 

"Do you know your mate?" She asked. 

"I don't have one, I don't deserve one," I said upset. 

"Who said that? you are such a special being, you deserve a mate just like every single person in the world maybe even more," She said as she wiped away my tears.

I didn't realize I was crying but I was glad to finally have someone there for me. It only made me realize how much I really miss my mom. I need to go back to her soon. 

"Your past Alpha was a cruel leader, he still is," She began. It made me sick to think about him. I hate him. I don't ever want to see him ever again. 

"I don't really want to talk about this," I said calmly

"I have to tell you, nobody else will," she said. As she said this the sky changed and I was now back in my old pack but it wasn't the same time. 

"Thank you," I heard a sweet girl say.  

"You see that cute girl, that's your mom," Eirene said as she pointed to the girl with the sweet voice. 

"C'mon give me the flowers," A kid said angrily as the flower girl tried to hurry. 

"that guy, he is Mr. Yaoyorozu," She said rolling her eyes. I laughed softly he is just as I imagined. 

"I did it," a kid that looked like me said he dropped the bucket of water. 

"That's your father," She said giving me a bright smile. 

"He looks crazy," I laughed as his green wild hair flew everywhere

"You look just like him," she said giving me another smile 

"Hey don't say that," I said as I tried to shove her but I ended up going through her. 

"Your father and Mr. Yaoyorozu were in love with your mother, they both believed that they were her Soul mate and only one of them was right, you see during this time they were about your age, your father was in love with your mother but he knew he had a job to do, he was Omega born and he worked hard for his job to buy a green rose," She explained. 

"why if the rose is fake," I asked confused. 

"Just watch," 

I watched as my father rushed to buy the rose. He then got down on one knee. "I worked for so long, I wanted to give you this rose, it matched your beautiful green-black eyes," Dad said as he handed it to her. She then opened it, to reveal an emerald ring. 

"Oh Hisashi, it's beautiful," She said as a tear fell from her eyes. 

"I love you Inko, be mine forever, I just know you are my soul mate, God told me himself," Hisashi said as he hugged her. 

"Wow, I never knew my dad was such a player," I said as I watched them hug.

"But this was only the beginning," she said as the sky began to move once again. 

"This isn't fair, she was supposed to be mine," Mr. Yaoyorozu said angrily.

The sky then turned back to its normal cloud theme

"He got very angry and he went after your father, your mom told him to run and he did just that because of his love for her," She explained


"your mother ended up being pregnant with you, but Yaoyorozu went back to your mom asking for marriage but she refused. She then had you and sometimes at night your father would visit but it became more and more dangerous for him to do so because Yaoyorozu wanted him dead, he then gave up and forced you to be the new omega," She said looking at me in the eyes her eyes began to water. 

"Don't cry, I don't mind it much, I'm used to Mr. Yaoyorozu," I said as I reached for her hand. 

"He killed your Mate," She said as she began to cry more. 

The wind stopped blowing, the sky turned black and Eirene disappeared 

*Third Person* 

Izuku woke up with a big fright. He grabbed his sweatshirt and ran out of his house. He ran not waiting a single moment. 

He shifted to his form and rushed back to his old pack. If everything that Eirene said is true then Midoriya wanted to be there and get his mother away from that terrible man as soon as possible. 

He then mind linked Uraraka- 'I'm coming to get you and mom,'

He ran as fast as he could. He needed to be answered, he needed to know why he was put into something that he wasn't even alive for. Why did his mate have to die because of a petty jealous man, it wasn't fair to him and most importantly it wasn't fair to his mate. 

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