Mysterious Kill

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Midoriya Izuku

"Mine" I heard a harsh voice

The owner of the voice wrapped his around me and licked blood off my neck. Where I had gotten bitten. 


"Um, Could you please not do that sir," I said as I tried to push him away. Why is everyone so strange. 

He looked into my eyes and his bi-colored eyes widened. What is this weird feeling. 

"Um, I'm so sorry about that, I don't know what got over me," He said as he walked into the direction he came from

"Sorry about that, he has been through a lot, although nothing like this," All Might said nervously

"It's alright sir," I said bowing lightly

All Might jumped suddenly

"You don't need to do that young Midoriya," He said as he straightened me up again.

(as straight as he can anyway XD)

"Follow me, I shall give you a room," He said as he walked towards the direction where the other guy came from

please don't let him be close to me

he gives me this weird feeling

like my heart is going to burst

I don't know this feeling, so I don't like it.

"Don't worry, I'm not going to make your stay with that guy," All Might laughed

How did he know

"Well I am the alpha, I let you into my pack so now you can mind-link anyone from this pack, I can also hear your thoughts too.

Eww, what if the thought is gross or something like that

"I can still read them, but most of the time I will not, I just want to know what you are like, my new omega," He said calmly

I tensed at the name


I have always been it, yet I can't even hear it

"And this should be your new room," All Might said as he opened the door

I room was bigger than my old house

Their pack must be elite

"Feel free to call me if you need anything,"

Todoroki Shoto

I walked into my room and slammed the door

Who was that and why did I do that?

I haven't acted this wild since


That was when I first found her, my mate


"I can't believe how big this pack is," I said looking at all the beautiful scenery. There was bright colors everywhere, the sun shining brightly and smiles of everyone's faces.   

It is better than my fathers, in every single way

People here smile

They never smile in my pack

"Whatever, it's just some stupid pack," Dad said annoyed as he walked into the Alpha's house

"Ice cream, free Ice cream for the next 10 seconds" Someone yelled

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