Devils meeting

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Second Person

You never really know how it happens, you can never control it either.

Being a werewolf was like having two souls inside of you, your human form is always your normal one, but when the time comes for your wolf to awaken it will take control, full control

When the time came for the werewolf to be, it was never equal, the human part lived greater, leaving the wolf to only talk their human form through their mind

There are times when a wolf takes over the body when your first shifting happens when you find your mate when someone tries to hurt the people that matter the most. This is how a werewolf survives.

Each one of these is a different level, level one is easy it only lasts a couple of seconds only for your shifting, level two lasts a little longer, only because you are in search of your one true love, level three is uncontrollable, because the danger of your loved one was or is too great.

The human form will be lost momentarily, the wolf will take complete power, it's eyeing a bloody red and its fangs sharper than a shark's.

Midoriya knew all of these levels, he had to deal with them when he was little if people came into the house his mother's wolf would take complete power for the sake of her son, the only person that matters to her now, the only person left in her life.

Midoriya Izuku

I stepped back slowly too afraid to do anything, I don't know this wolf, and I don't know the person within, Todo-san and I never even got a chance to know each other, what happened now is out of his control

"Sh-Shoto, p-please d-don't do any-anything you m-might regret," I shuddered as he moved towards me.

What do I do?

Do I run..or stay

I can't run he'll just run after me.

I can't stay, what if he does something to me, it is his wolf that is in controls after all.

"Do you not love me?" I saw the wolf's lips move but the voice that came was not Todoroki's sweet and calming one.

"W-what do you mean?" I asked as I fell to the floor

"Your my mate, do you not love me?" The voice spoke again as the wolf's eyes glisten a bright red

"I-I don't know who you are," I said as I tripped on the group, the wolf approached me 

"I'm Kitaru, I'm Todoroki's wolf," he said softly.

I looked into his soft eyes, I know nothing about Todoroki or Kitaru, I'm a terrible mate, I have been so selfish thinking about me, I wanted to find my mom, I never gave any attention to him.

Todoroki Shoto

It was dark, I wasn't sure where I was but I knew that Kitaru had taken total control, it was like I was inside my head, I could only see through my eyes.

×Kitaru what are you doing× I asked using mind link

×I'm just doing what needs to be done× he said as he  hovered on top of Midoriya

× Kit, stop he isn't like that× I said blushing furiously

×But, he is out mate× Kit spoke as he spoke towards Midoriya

I looked into the sweet eyes I'm my future lover, I know he will be mine, I just know it.

I watched as Midoriya's mouth moved softly, I yearned for his voice, I wanted to know what he was saying, I continued to look at him as a single golden drop fell his right eye.

×I think you should talk to him× Kit spoke as everything turned dark


I opened my eyes and saw Midoriya's emerald eyes, I heard his beautiful cries

"Izuku, are you alright," I spoke softly as I wrapped my arms softly around him since he was still hurt, blood and cuts colored his body like a full canvas. 

"It's you again! I'm going to make you pay," I heard a deep voice threaten

Midoriya Izuku

I looked towards the scary voice and saw Uraraka's Father, I began to shake, causing my injuries to bleed more

"Who are you?" Todoroki asked as he held me tighter

"Who do you think you are asking me, such question boy," Uraraka's Father growled

Todoroki gently placed me down and walked towards the older man

"I demand that you tell me who you are," he said as he stood tall

Mr. Uraraka balled his fists as he approached my Todoroki

He didn't hesitate to slap Shoto or shove him to the side, he then quickly made his way towards me, he was inches away till he let out a cry of pain.

I turned to get up as quickly as I can, my blood ran throughout my body like a heartbeat and every part of my body winced in pain

So this is war

I got up as quickly as I could Kitaru run right behind me, his eyes shining red once again. 

I kept running as fast as I could, as fast as my body would take me, this was more than just war looking for my mother, this is for the people of Yaoyorozu, who deserve to be free more than anything.

I continued to run till a horrible feeling hit my rib, I want nothing more than to run away and never feel this pain again, and yet, I wanted it, I felt like I deserved it

Todoroki ran in front of me wanting to protect me from future danger, Kitaru would protect me for sure, that's what he told me


"I'm sorry that I hurt you more," he spoke softly

"I'm alright, I'm so sorry for not being good enough, I'm a terrible mate for Todoroki, I don't know what my wolf is like but they must love you as much as I love Todoroki," I cried

"I'm not sure either, but I know that Shoto cares deeply for you, I will do anything in my power to keep you save, the last thing I need is his depression running throughout my heart," he said with a sigh as Todoroki came back

***End of Flashback***

I'm scared

If they both protect me, they will certainly die one day

"Midoriya run!!" Todoroki-kun let out a whimper, I looked up to see the devil himself

"Looks like someone finally decided to come," I heard deep laughter

Second Mate| Tododeku {Alfa Todoroki x Omega Izuku}Where stories live. Discover now