A Lost Hero

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Midoriya Izuku

The creature stopped walking, his orange-lava colored eyes faced Yaoyorozu, I watched as the wind flowed though it's deadly black colored fur.

Looking at this beast right now, you could never know it was Todoroki, his eyes were unlike the creature's, Todoroki's fur was white and red, but the creature has fur darker than hell.

And yet...I wasn't afraid, I found myself fond of the beast, I knew who it was, and I knew that he wouldn't hurt me, after all, this beast is a part of Todoroki-kun, who I know cares deeply about me.

So that is why, I have to save this beast, all my life I hid behind other's strength, but now it's time for me to stand and finally do something, even if I die trying, I'm done being weak.

I looked at the houses stepping back slowly so Yaoyorozu wouldn't notice my absence. I have a plan but this will only work once.

Todoroki Shoto



"Hello," I called again as I stood in the middle of a dark room.

"Who goes there?" Someone asked

"Um my name is Todoroki Shoto, I'm the Alpha of Inos Pack, formally known as Todoroki Pack," I explained as I walked towards the voice

"Todoroki?..but HOW?" He asked

"Who exactly are you?" I asked

"It's me Kitaru," Kitaru spoke

"DIE, HE MUST DIE!" A voice from within the darkness spoke with full anger. My eyes widen as the voice rings in my ear, it was then that I realized that had finally happened, and now I know where I am.

"No, it can't be, can it?" I asked aloud

"You don't think..," Kitaru began as he looked at me, his eyes widen as well, he looked confused.

"I thought he was locked up, I thought we had it under control," I said in fear

"Remember the deal, he will stay out of the way, unless someone we really care about is in danger," Kitaru spoke

"But, we had it under control," I say looking at him, choosing not to believe his words, he can't be free, can he?

"A deal is a deal, something big is gonna happen, I can feel it," he said as he sat on the floor placing his head on his crossed paws

"I can feel it too, but if I'm not there for Midoriya who will be?"

Midoriya Izuku

Once I was out of site I run into the house right behind Yaoyorozu, as I made my way inside I looked around for some rope and a pointy knife. I only had one shot at this, I have to make it count.

I heard a loud growl from the outside of the house, I knew what was going down, and so I knew that I had to hurry if I don't do something quick everything that I have found will vanish as if it was never there.

I managed to finally find all of the things that I needed, I quickly made my way to the roof of the house, I only had one shot, the roof would give me the best view.

*Third Person*

As Midoriya finally managed to make his way to the top of the house he looked out towards the three powerful alphas, he watched as Yaoyorozu and AllMight began to fight, he knew that Yaoyorozu would win this fight, AllMight didn't have time to heal his wounds, unlike Yaoyorozu and Todoroki.

Yaoyorozu landed the last punch at AllMight's stomach sending the other male flying through the sky. Midoriya watched in amazement, he had never seen anything like this before. He shook his head gently getting himself to focus on Yaoyorozu, it was time to attack.

Izuku took a deep breath, sweat running over his forehead, he was nervous, after all this moment would affect everything was would happen next. Just as the green haired boy was about to throw the knife, he watched Yaoyorozu pull something out of his pocket, his eyes grew the size of the moon.

Yaoyorozu aimed a gun towards the beast and pulled the trigger without a hesitation. Midoriya was paralyzed, and yet his body was moving on its own, he jumped off the building landing on his feet, he quickly made his way towards Todoroki, feeling a pain in his heart as he was shot himself, or worse already dead.

Izuku's instincts were running wild, he could feel all of the pain that his mate was feeling, and yet he wasn't dead, he was still running making his way towards Todoroki.

"TODOROKI!" he finally manages to speak, as tears stain his once flushed cheeks. the beast began to fade and Todoroki's body could once again be seen, the real Todoroki.

Midoriya placed one of his frail arms around the back of Todoroki holding the boy up and bringing their foreheads together. Yaoyorozu looks at them and begins to laugh, loving the sight of Midoriya in despair.

"That fool of a boy thought he had a chance against me, I knew he was weak the moment I saw you in his eyes, that stupid alpha is dead, and your next, I'll make you feel more pain, unless you do as I say," Yaoyorozu says with a smirk thinking that he has finally cornered Midoriya into a corner.

Midoriya begins to beath in heavily as Yaoyorozu's words hang in his head, anger running through his veins.

"How dare you!" Midoriya yelled as the ground began to shake. "How dare you hurt him!" Midoriya yelled angrily as his eyes began to turn a bright yellow, his eyes grew more and more gold by the minute.

"How many times are you going to do this? How many times are you going to hurt me?" Midoriya asked as he placed Todoroki gently on the floor.

"Shut up kid, do as I say or I'll kill your mother too," Yaoyorozu said in furry from having to listen to Midoriya speak.

"ENOUGH!" Midoriya spoke as a ray of light landed on him. His body floated lightly over the ground, he was lost in his mind, to angry to notice what was going on.

"You have been nothing but cruel towards the people of this pack, I shall break their chains and set them free, you will suffer all of the pain that you have caused to others," Midoriya spoke as he opened his golden eyes, letting them pierce into Yaoyorozu. Izuku raised his right hand up slowly, waiting for it to be in front of him, he then pointed towards Yaoyorozu.

This action caused the elements of the earth and the light of the sun to make their way towards the horrible man, putting an end to his wrath, the great king of the darkness was no more.

Midoriya landed on the floor with a thud, he didn't waste a second, he quickly made his way towards Todoroki.

"Todoroki please," Midoriya cried as he placed their foreheads together once again.

"You can't leave me now, where was our happily ever after, I never even got the change to tell you...I love you too Todoroki," he yelled causing his throat to burn

"Please, Please don't do this to me, I can't lose you, no, please," Midoirya cried people began to come out of their hiding spots, they knew that the monster was gone, and yet everyone still remained a pain, because a great hero was lost and there was no way to bring him back.

"I love you Todoroki, please, please, wake up, this is a dream, this never happened, please open your eyes," Midoriya yelled again as more tears fell from his eyes.

"Midoirya," someone spoke as they tried to drag him away from his lost love.

"no, no leave me alone, I love him,"

"Todoroki, I love you,"

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