Being Followed

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Midoriya Izuku 

I wake up early with puffy eyes. It must have been from all the tears of the previous night.

"Young Midoriya may I please come in?" I heard AllMight, my new Alpha ask. I got up and opened the door for the big man.

"Woh, who are you?" I asked the skinny guy, he sounded like AllMight, maybe a cousin?

"What do you mean young Midoriya, it is I, AllMight," He said opening his arms. I wasn't sure, how could someone like AllMight suddenly turn into someone so skinny and weak.

"I know what your thinking, is it really AllMight? Well to answer your question yes it is, but I am not going to explain why" He said as he walked into my room 

It has to be AllMight, how else does he know my name, and how can he sound just like AllMight? I have no choice but to believe this skinny-blond man.

"AllMight, Sir, what is it that you are here for?" I asked as I put my shoes on 

"Today, I want you to get to know your new pack, there are many people you need to know, whom would love to meet you, then you can do as you please," He said as he got up "I left you some clothes," and with that he closed the door. He sure did sound and act like AllMight. Can I really trust this man? 

I ended up staying in my room for a little while longer, I just wanted to change it up so it would feel homier if that is even a thing. I was also worried though, I didn't know these people, I don't know how they are going to treat me when they find out that I am a new member or that I am going to be their Omega, that never occurred to me until now, what if they treat me the same as the other pack because of my title? But I don't have a choice, do I? I have to listen to my new pack members and my new Alpha. I quickly shake my thoughts and change into a light blue shirt and black shorts, as I changed I saw that the scar from the attack yesterday  was gone, but I didn't pay much attention to it.

The fear and the thought that they might hate me, ran through my body as I walked out of my room. Its ok, you're going to be ok, breath, just breath. I could barely walk, You have to do this, it is a new start to be confident. I went with that and put a smile on my face, the one mom always loved. 


'sometimes, Midoriya, all we can do is smile, in our time of weakness, we smile'

'When others try to take you down, smile and show them that you are unbreakable. it will be hard but all I really want is to see that smile on your face, make mama proud and smile, for me' she would say every time I come crying home 

***End Of Flashback***

I didn't just go crying because of the bullying, it was because of all the people in the pack only three cared. out of all the people, I took care of, only three cared. It was hard being the target of the whole town. It was hard having everyone hate you. 

I then began to walk around the village more calmly. You got this Izuku. I kept walking making sure to keep my head high. It wasn't until bread was shoved into my face that I stopped and looked around.

"Oops, sorry about that Si-oh Midoriya it's you," Iida said as he placed the bread down.

Since Iidia was one of the guards he knew about Midoriya that and he was the one that attacked him yesterday given that it was his job to guard the pack. 

"Hey sorry about yesterday," IIdia said with a sheepish grin all while feeling guilty 

"Don't worry about it so...what are you doing?" I said trying to hold my laugh.

"Haha laugh it up," He said as he rolled his eyes. He was wearing a pink apron that read kiss the cook how could I not laugh 

"I'm helping my mom sell this bread, so are you gonna buy some or stand there and laugh at me all day?" He asked crossing his arm angerly.

"Can't I just do both?" I asked giving a pout.

"How about you buy some bread or else I'll bite you to pieces," He said jokingly.

"Iida, are you the reason I haven't sold any bread this morning?" His mother asked from the entrance.

"Oh, who is this?" She asked once she saw me 

"This is Midroiya Izuku, he is a new member of our pack," Iida said giving me a smile.

"Oh, this is wonderful a new consumer. Here have this, one the house," she said as she handed me some sweet bread. I grabbed it and took a small bite out of it.

"mmm this is amazing," I said as I took a bigger bite.

"Mom is the best baker of all the packs," Iida says proudly.

"Oh you," She said blushing lightly 

"So what is your role in this town?" She asked as she sat on a stool next to Iida.

"Well I am the Omega," I said keeping my head down.

"Oh, that's nice, what is that?" She said tilting her head in confusion. So it is true, these people don't even know what an Omega is here. Should I tell her the truth? Of course, what are you thinking Izuku! I fought with myself in my head before telling her all about omegas. I am not going to meet new pack members and lie to all of them. 

"Oh, so your like some kind of assistant," Mrs. Iida said happily she finally understood.

"Yes Mrs. Iinda," I said giving her a smile.

"Oh please call me Jane, it would be amazing if I could have your assistance tomorrow in the morning," She said shaking my hand.

"Mrs.- I mean Jane that would be super cool," I said as I began to walk away.

"Izuku, one more thing, welcome to the pack," She said giving me a happy smile. 

Well, that went better then I thought. All I have to do now is meet with all the other people of the pack, that's not so bad, right? Just as I thought, none of the people in the pack knew what an Omega was. I made sure to tell them and everyone was happy giving me happy welcomes' and asking for my help. It was different from the other pack. You could even say completely different. 

I was so happy, If mom could see me now she would be so happy, I finally get to be who I am without people hating me for my title. This was a sign. Good things are coming. I made my way to the forest and sat on the grass leaning on a big tree that was out in the open. Just in case someone needs me. For the first time ever, I'm ok with everyone knowing where I was. I closed my eyes and listened to the wind blow through the trees. If you listen close enough you can hear the birds singing.

I heard a sudden rustle and footsteps getting closer and closer. Too close. I slowly opened my eyes.

"You," I said glaring a bit. How can they be here? I thought I was here by myself, was I being followed? 

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