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Midoriya Izuku

Have you ever had everything you cared about in the hands the evil itself?

Have you ever felt like the most important people's lives are in your hands?

I wish with all my heart that all of my answers to this question were no, but they aren't

Here I am standing before the devil, should my mother and Todoroki live, was all up to me.

"Please for the last time I don't know what you're talking about," I screeched as I coughed up blood

Yaoyorozu continued to beat me with the heavy sick, using it at full force as if he was trying to break a bone.

"You little punching bag, you better figure it out in twenty minutes before I kill your little boyfriend," he said as he swung the stick towards Todoroki-kun but stopping right before he hit him.

I had twenty minutes to figure out something I have  never heard of, I have twenty minutes to decide if my love will live, twenty minutes to help my mother break free

"Right now, I don't understand how your feeling, I don't know if you know what your power is, but don't..." I turned my head towards my restrained mother, her frail hands on the grey rusty bars, her eyes looking at me with fear and hope

"I would rather die then forget who I really love, I would rather die then forget who my family is, I don't want to forget why I'm not with this bastard, I want to die knowing that I married Midoriya Hisashi, I want to die knowing that my beautiful son has found love in this cruel world that rejects him so," tears ran down her pale cheek, her nose turning red from the sniffles.

What do I do?

I want to make my mother happy but if I don't do what I'm asked to do, Todoroki could possibly die

"but...as much as I wish that was my way to go it can't be, I have lived my life, but you, my magnificent son, have just begun yours, your eyes shine brighter and your beginning to smile, I don't want to go on living knowing that my son isn't truly happy," she said giving me a small smile

I looked at her with slight confusion what was she saying, how could she live her life knowing I wasn't happy, if she is free I am happy

"Midoriya, erase my memory and save your love," she said softly

"Mom," I said not sure what to say or do

If I do this I lose my mom

If I don't I lose my soulmate

"Midoriya, don't do this, I beg you," I heard Todoroki's raspy voice call me

Tingles ran down my back and my heartbeat quickened, Todoroki was alive after all.

" I won't live my life with you and your saddened look, you don't know me, let me die, I don't mind, my job as your mate is to keep you happy and safe, I can only do both by sacrificing my life for you, so please save your mother and go," he said as he looked towards the muddy floor, a single tear fell from his left side, I looked towards the sky.

"Aku nyebut jenenge para dewa,"
( I call upon the name of the gods)

I didn't know what I was saying but I knew that this movement was going to change everything

"You fool," Yaoyorozu yelled as he grabbed the stick and shoved it into Todoroki's stomach

"What kind of games are you playing boy, how did you know what that is," Yaoyorozu yelled as he shook Todoroki's head aggressively trying to get an answer 

"I don't know what you're talking about but you won't win," Shoto spat as he let the blood fall from his mouth and onto Yaoyorozu's hands

Todoroki Shoto

I let my blood fall all over his hands, I wasn't sure what Midoriya was doing or what he said, but I knew that what he needed more than anything was time.

"I will kill you with my own two hands," He said as he gripped my neck

"Oh, ok but be careful anything you do might change Midoriya's mind," I said with a smirk as I gave him an innocent look

"It's hot, help me, it's hot, please it burns," Midoriya yelled suddenly as he fell to the ground.

"What is this?" Yaoyorozu screamed as he,walked closer towards Midoriya

"Is he alive?" He asked looking towards me, I looked  at him like I was unaware of what he was talking about

Yes, Midoriya is alive

"Huh?" I said tilting my head towards the right

"I hate teenagers," he scoffed as he walked back towards his throne

My eyes followed his movements 12 am, July 21, 2053, status alive, right here at this time I can read anyone like a piece of paper

Steal the memory of Inko
Make her my new wife
Kill Midoriya
Take the sun power
It'll all go as I planned it to

I read his thoughts to learn his plan, my wrist tingles with energy, my wolf knows that Midoriya is in trouble

Katsuki Bakugou

I was running late which was unlike me if only I didn't pay my mate a special visit.

I jumped over the fallen gate and made my way to the middle of the pack, where Todoroki has been calling me.

I watched as a guy with a dark cloak walked around looking smug. I try to listen to their conversation but it appeared that he was not talking. I could only assume by his appearance and his presence that he was who we were going after he is the evil man. It has been a while since I've seen him and it is clear that he has not changed as my vivid memories come back I start to realized Midoriya and Todoroki should not have been the first ones to make a move I was the one who escaped first

"Well, well, well look who finally decided to show up,"

Well shit...

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