Red Eyes

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Midoriya Izuku

Here I was on the ground, laying helplessly, blood pouring out of my body like a gusher that had just been crushed.

Kacchan was still right, without everyone else, I'm still the useless, helpless, worthless brat that I was before, I'm nothing but a nuisance to everyone in AllMight Pack.

"Looks like you haven't changed at all," I heard a maniacal laugh ringing through my ears

"P-please leave me alone, Toga," I begged as she dug her claws into my broken skin, causing more blood to ooze from my skin. 

"No way silly why would I do something like that," She tried to laugh cutely but it was anything but that. 

"You know, I missed throwing you around like a punching bag, how about we make up for the lost time," she giggled her evil gaze piercing into my eyes. 

"T-Toga, please," I begged helplessly trying to escape from her grip. 

"Yes my pet, beg, beg for mercy," She said as she shifted back to her human form, I did the same without knowing it.

I got up wincing at the pain that ran throughout my body, if I can't get past Toga, I'll never see my mom, or Todo-san again

Todoroki Shoto

With a hard punch in the face, I had managed to cause the last person running up to me to pass out. This was easy but I expected it to be after all if Izuku and Uraraka haven't been in a war, I doubt these people have

I looked around, everything looked like it was going our way, I turned around towards Midoriya, this would be the perfect time to look for his mother and make our exit. 

I turned around and towards something that wasn't there, my heart's beat quickened

This isn't happening

This is a joke...It has to be

But what if it's not?

I jump into the air and shift into my other form, Midoriya was gone, and the fastest way to find him was this way.


"I'll be back soon I promise,"

"Alright dinner will be in five, don't forget what that traveler taught you how to do," Mom said as she buttoned my coat

"Yes mom, I know to do the thing with the moon and find my way back, I won't be long I'll be back by dinner," I said giving her one of my toothy grins

"Alright then, see you soon Shoto," Mom said as she hugged me and walked back into the house

I smiled, today at four in the afternoon, the exact time that I was born, I will experience my first shifting, I was nervous what will it be like? How would it feel? What if I don't do it right? 


I sat by my favorite tree, the moon was making its way out from it's hiding and into the dark sky, I watched as the moon moved slowly, it was now around three, I'm pretty sure


It was time, I stood, then I sat

How do I do this? Do I stand do I sit?

"What are you doing here?" I heard someone say behind me

"I'm trying to shift," I said as I turned towards the boy with sandy-blond hair

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