"I'll do it,"

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Bakugo Katsuki 

I looked up to see Yaoyorozu's homicidal face in horror, memories of the past coming back to me like a boomerang. 

Puddles of blood all over the ground

My parent's dead bodies on the floor, long knife like swords omitted from each of their hearts. 

Memories long gone now could never be unseen. 

"Well, never thought you'd be back again," he said with a smug look on his face as he looked me up or down. 

I let a heavy growl escape my lips as he continued. 

"My, my, what a shame, you look just like your father, but you have your mother's eyes and her beautiful sandy hair," he said in a corrupt tone

I let out a louder growl, how dare he speak of my parents. 

"Tell me, boy, what are you doing here? what kind of power do you think you have to be able to stop me," he said as he stepped closer. I backed up slowly not wanting to get near this freak of a monster. 

Just as I was about to turn around he grabbed my wrist and tightened his grip at impossible strength, I was sure that was going to leave a bruise later, as he pulled me closer he whispered something terrible into my ear. 

"You would look great with a knife going through your heart, just like your parents," 

he then released me and turned back to his throne laughing like he had won yet another war. his defective movements only infuriated me more, without thinking I ran towards him jumping into the air and shifting into my wolf form, I bit into the nape of his neck, the only way to win a war like this is to cut the head off the king. 

My actions started to decay as he too shifted into his wolf form, he shook me off with all of his strength and bit harshly into my side, making sure to break a bone or two. I let out a loud whimper of pain as he continued to do the same thing over and over again, I thought he was never going to stop but then he did. 

Todoroki Shoto

I watched as the redhead made his way towards us, he moved so fast and yet you wouldn't hear him coming from a mile away, it was almost as if he was lighter than the world itself. He quickly freed me from the cage and then ran towards the fight, he wasted no time in biting into Yaoyorozu's rib cage and breaking bones. 

I wondered how someone like that would be so strong and yet Inos and Midoriya are the same way. As I thought about Midoriya quickly made my way towards him not wanting him to stay on the ground, when he woke up, everything was going to change I just know it. 

I rushed towards the love of my life and picked him up, I place my ear gently over his heart. it was still beating Thank God!! A wave of relief leaves my body after knowing that he is still alright. I ran into one of the houses and lay him on the nearest bed. Please Midoriya, be alright. 

I then run out of the house as fast as I can and join the other boys in the batter, Katsuki was barely able to move, the redhead, on the other hand, was moving faster than Yaoyorozu, from the looks of it, the redhead might have more experience than I thought, he must be one of All Might's special guards since he seemed too familiar.

"Shoto, go," Katsuki says as he sees me making my way towards them. I know what he is trying to do. he is was trying to be a beta, he was going to risk his life for me. I didn't want to listen to him, I have told him many times that I was never going to leave him to die, and yet here he is trying to get me to do something I promised I would never do. 

"Kirishima, don't let him fight," Katsuki yelled loudly, for the first time ever the redhead stopped his movement, just as he turned towards me Yaoyorozu slapped him into next week. He rolled on the ground shifting back into his human form. Using all of my strength I push Yaoyorozu towards the floor to have an advantage. 

Yaoyorozu and I continue to get at eachother, cuttinging into eachothers flesh occtionally leaving bruses on eachothers bodies, at this moment nothing mattered, not the pain in my body, not the pain in my heart, not even the blood that ran from my mouth, the only thing that mattered was time, Midoriya needs time in order to do what he needs to do, I know that this is his fight, I am his mate and I know that he wants, I am going to let him have what he wants, because I love him. 

I continued to fight with the devil, everything was beginning to turn blurry, my vision was red, I wasn't sure how much I was going to be able to fight, I wasn't weak, but I wasn't strong either, I should have fought harder, I should have known something like this was going to happen, but now is not the time for regrets, not it's time to fight for my lover. 

"Wait! please wait, I will do anything, please don't hurt my son's mate," Mrs. Midoriya yelled as tears fell from her eyes. I didn't want her to do anything, this is not my fight, but in a way it was and I was not going to allow her to do such things, she will be part of my family and I do not want this to happen to her. 

"All of my life I hid in fear never dong anything for my son, this is my time, I will do anything if you allow my son and all of his friends to go," she said as tears ran from her eyes. 

He waited for a moment but then bit into my flesh once again, everything was fizzy and I wasn't sure I was going to be able to do anything 

"Wait, I'll do it, I'll do it," I heard an angel's voice call. 

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