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Midoriya Izuku

I turned towards the tall figure with red and white hair. He was the guy that I ran into yesterday. "Why are you here?" I asked as I got up and began taking small steps backwards.

"Why,why, I want to know Why," he said as he stepped closer backing me up onto a tree. I had to admit that I was scared for myself. I was scared for the way he made me feel, I have never felt like this before.

"I don't understand what your talking about," I said not shuddering, this is the important part, If I want to win to people like him, I need to be able to speak without a shudder.

"I just don't understand it," He said. He looked like he was in shock, like he didn't understand if he was awake or alseep, like he was thinking about something sinister.

Todoroki Shoto

I don't understand this feeling in my heart. The way my heart beat quickens when I'm around this boy. I don't understand why. My stomach feels like there is butterflies inside it. It's not butterflies, it's a freaking zoo, this boy put a zoo in my stomach.


Father, today I found my mate" a young Shoto  said was he and his father left AMP.

"That's wonderful news, you'll be ready to lead this pack soon," his father said as they shifted into their wolf forms.

His father didn't care much for love or emotions, as long as his son was ruler it didn't matter. (Yes, Shoto's Dad is kinda nice in this book)

Todoroki spent the rest of the day thinking about his new lover, the way she hugged him, her smile, her everything.

Later Shoto told his mom about the feeling he was having, it was then his mother told him he was in love.

He was happy, for the first time ever,he got to be in love with someone who loved him too

It made Shoto wonder what would happen if he lost her, would he be able to love again, would someone be able to love someone like him?

***End Of Flashback***

This boy makes me feel the same way Inos did, but this is silly, against the rules, not because he was a boy but because the rules say one can only ever have one mate. So what are these feeling in my heart, why is there a zoo in my stomach.

Midoriya Izuku

I continued to look at him as he got lost in thought. what was he thinking about?

"Um, I have to go, my alpha is expecting me soon," I said as I began to walk away. It wasn't until I felt someone hold onto my wrist that I stopped walking

"Wait, please tell me your name, tell me why your here," He said giving me hopeful and confused eyes

You can't trust him.

What if he does something bad to you?

Get out of there Midoriya.

My head screamed

I ignored all my doubts and told the older boy everything, I didn't want to lie, lying is not how you build trust.

"I'm really sorry about that," He said as he got up from his spot.

"It's alright the past is in the past right," I said giving him a smile assuring him that I am alright.

"Sorry, for scaring you, I'll be on my way," Shoto said as he ran way

It was when he started to run that I remembered that I didn't tell him my name.

"By the way, my name, it's Midoriya Izuku," I yelled as I ran towards AllMight's home


"Midoriya," AllMight said as he jumped towards me.

I looked at him and gave him a smile, a half-hearted smile, after talking about my past, smiling a real smile doesn't seem like a possibility

Todoroki Shoto

I was now in my 'room' thinking about him, about what he said.

He was right, it really is all in the past, but why is it so hard to forget.

*Third Person*

The thing you need to know is that when Shoto was a young boy, his father showed him the danger and damage feeling can make.

Shoto grew us as a blank page with no words or drawing to express himself.

It wasn't until Inos that he learned emotions aren't always back, but it's hard to change, it's hard knowing something all your life and then finding out that it isn't always true.

Todoroki Shoto

It has been a while, since I last had to feel or show emotions, that's not the way I work. Emotions, they don't help me.

I just want to be able to fell the way I used to, back when she was in my life. I want to be able to love.

All that doesn't matter, I need to know why he's here and why he makes me feel this way. I need to know, I don't like the way I feel, I'm always so nervous and on the edge because of this, because of the feeling he is giving me.

What the hell is Midoriya Izuku

Midoriya Izuku

"Hello Midoriya, you don't know me but I know you,"


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