Forest Day

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Midoriya Izuku

I hugged Todo-san as I told him how I felt and how sorry I was for not understanding and thinking about him and his feelings.

"It's ok Izuku, at least your telling me how you feel," he said with a light chuckle as he began to pet my head with one hand

I smiled into his chest glad that I had such an understanding second mate.

As the full moon began to appear we all shifted into our wolf forms getting ready for the couple of nights that were about to come. There was so much to worry about, but as I looked around me I felt something in my heart, something that told me that this is where I belong and that the people next to me are my family, for the first time ever, I felt like I was truly a part of the pack. 

We continued to decent further into the forest, the closer we got to Yaoyorozu pack the more I began to shiver, this was it, dead or alive, the only words I could think is, I really  hope mom is okay.

After a little while, we all took a much-needed break, we all shifted back to our human forms.

"Dekuuu~ get me some water," Kacchan called as he made his way over towards me.

"Kacchan, I won't," I said with a huff and crossed my arms.

"Why not?" He asked through gritted teeth

"My name is not Deku," I yell as I punch his chest hoping it will get through to his head

"Deku, Deku~," he sang as he pinched my cheeks, I grabbed his wrist and tried to remove his hand from my cheek, it felt like needles where being shoved into my flesh.

"Enough Bakugo," A stern voice called as he removed his grip from my cheeks

"Take it easy, I wasn't hurting him," Kacchan laughed as he put an arm around Todo-san.

Shoto ignored his remark and made his way towards me.

"Izuku, are you alright?" He asked me as he caressed my cheek.

"I'm alright, promise," I said giving him a smile for reassurance.

He gave me a gentle smile back, I liked Tomo-san's smile, it was the best part about him.

Todoroki Shoto

I smiled glad to know that Midoriya wasn't hurt because of Bakugo's teasing.

The more they hung out the more I realize that they have history, but I know that Midoriya and I will have so much more than that, but sometimes I have to remind myself, cause when he is around Katsuki, I feel like all they do is flirt. Even if they are clueless about it. 

"Todo-san, my name isn't Deku," Izuku said as he grabbed my hand as stuck his tongue out at Katsuki who had been chasing him.

"I know that," I said as I looked down at him and gave him smile, silly baby~

"Tell that to Kacchan," He said begging me with his eyes and giving a small pout

"Katsuki, his name isn't Deku," I said with a solemn voice not really caring for their little game.

"It doesn't matter what you say, to me you will always be Deku because even now, your still as useless and helpless as ever," Katsuki said with a smirk

I felt Midoriya's grip on my hand tighten.

"I'm not the same, and even if I was, Kacchan you don't get to make fun of me anymore, I'm not Deku, I-" Izuku began his rant till a rattle was heard

"Do you guys hear that?" Katsuki asked

We a gave him a nod, I closed my eyes and sensed a person in the rattling bushes

Katsuki didn't give it a second thought and jumped into the bush shifting into his wolf form at the same time, a couple second later Katsuki and another boy came out of the bush fighting like wild beasts, there was biting, yelping and scratching, from who was hard to tell.

After a little while, Katsuki pinned the other wolf on the ground, they both shifted into their human form, suddenly Katsuki kissed the red-headed male, I blushed but was still upset that Izuku and I haven't had our first kiss as a couple.

Katsuki bit into the neck of the other boy, Katsuki is clearly imprinting on the redhead.

"We should give them privacy," I said as I grabbed Izuku's hand and walked towards the others who were setting up the tends for tonight.

"What was Kacchan doing?" Midoriya asked

A huge blush made its way towards my face, I can not believe how innocent he is, I want to be with him, I want to see everything, I want Izuku.

"He just found his mate, so he is imprinting on him," I explained as we stopped walking

"Why don't you imprint on me?" Izuku asked

I chocked on my own saliva at his question.

"Well you don't really imprint your mate in public, but Katsuki is shameless," I explain not meeting his gaze

How can he ask questions like that? How can he pretend that everything is pure and innocent?

"Kacchan is mean, I feel bad for his mate," He said giving a cute huff

I recalled Katsuki's words before, everything he said must have hurt Midoriya

"Don't listen to mean old Kacchan, he's just jelly of you, your perfect," I said as I tapped the tip of his nose

*Third Person*

It was now the end of the day and everyone was sleeping, Katsuki hasn't returned nor had the other boy, but it was clear that they were awake.

Shoto woke up in the middle of the night and walked out of his tent, he needed to talk to Izuku, he made his way towards the tend that Midoriya and Uraraka were sharing

"Izuku," Shot called as he peaked his head into the sleeping tent.

"Todo-san?" Izuku asked as he rubbed his eyes trying to focus on the person calling his name.

Once his eyes confirmed that it was Todoroki, he got up and made his way towards the taller male.

"What's wrong?" He asked as he looked up at the other boy, it was the middle of the night and nothing but the sound of the night sky and crickets could be heard.

"I can't sleep," Shoto said as he grabbed the smaller boy and led him away from the pack

"Where are we going?" Izuku asked as he turned back towards the tends and the sleeping warriors

"We need somewhere private," Todoroki said as he looked back at the green-eyed boy

Once they found a private spot Todoroki made his way towards the crook of Midoriya's neck

"S-Shoto, what are you doing," Izuku asked as he tried to contain the emotions that were running throughout his body

Shoto knew that imprinting on Izuku in the forest would be a waste of a good time but he needed to mark him. Just so no one would touch him, so no one would dare to hurt him.

"You belong to me," His wolf spoke as he continued to kiss Izuku's soft neck.

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