The Beginning of Battle

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Todoroki Shoto

It's this simple motion that allows us werewolves to move quickly, all it takes is three steps

One, begin to run

Two, concentrate on your wolfs form

Three, jump into the air and shift

There might not be a better way to explain it, but there is not need, it is as natural as it is to breath

Just like that, the battle against Yaoyorozu Pack begins, this war can only end in two ways, I will come back alive or I won't come back at all.

We continue to run though the forest. Looking at the clear night sky I can only assume that it is around nine in the afternoon.

The sound of cicadas and crickets chirping fill the trees of the dark forest. Being a werewolf was a freedom like no other, I am glad to be born a werewolf.

As I run I turn back towards the other werewolves, I can see Midoriya's luminescent beautiful face all the way from over here.

As his mate, I have to do this, if defeating Yaoyorozu will make him happy then by all means that is what I will do, but as his friend and future lover I need to do anything in my power to keep him alive.

This won't be easy, but for the sake of Midoriya, I will do anything.

Uraraka Ochaco

I was running with the AllMight Pack! The thrill was like no other, I have never done this, but I don't want to stop, this is freedom, I want the feeling to last forever

Everywhere I turn I see soldiers from AllMight Pack, Midoriya and I are in the middle, this is what a true pack feels like, I want to give others this joy.

Midoriya Izuku

War, I have heard all of their stories, and they all end the same...death!

Wars were forbidden in Yaoyorozu Pack, I always wondered why, I always wanted to know how they looked and why they were so bad.

I was about to take part in a war, was I afraid? Yes, was I possibly going to die? Hell yes, but...this is something new, but to me the unknown has always been something that I wanted the most

"Do you ever not want to know the unknown?"


" and that's the constellation, Bootes," I said as I pointed towards the dark night sky

"How could you know that Deku? Just the other day you asked me if I knew them," Kacchan said annoyed

"Well, I really wanted to know, plus there is nothing worse than not knowing the answer to something," I said with flushed cheeks

"Do you ever not want to know the unknown?" He asked rolling his eyes


"Never mind that, tell me which one that one is?" Kacchan said as he pointed towards the sky once again.

***End of Flashback***

"...what?" I asked as I turned towards my right, Kacchan was currently next to me

"You have that look in your eyes, the same look you had when we walked the path and when you told me the constellations," He said looking into my eyes

"Oh, I was just thinking..,"

"About war, something you have never experienced, you want to know the real deal don't you," he said as his werewolf eyes pierced into mine.

I let out a heavy sigh but nod my head anyway.

"Well Deku, let me just say, the real deal isn't even the worst if it,"

And with that he ran ahead, leaving me thinking, what is the real deal?
Could it be that was isn't at all what I think it's going to be?


It was around 10 o' clock when Midoriya and the rest of them showed at the gates of Yaoyorozu Pack, today many of their answers would be solved

Shoto wanted to know Midoriya's past.

Kastuki wanted to know if Yaoyorozu has changed at all.

AllMight wanted to know Why Mr. Yaoyorozu is so cruel.

Uraraka wanted to know if war between Yaoyorozu was possible to win.

AllMight jumped over the gates, the rest of his pack awaited to see if their Alpha would be able to open them, it didn't take long for All Might to open the doors with a big smile on his face.

The wolfs of the good and pure made their way into despair and slavery, the night was empty and quiet, Shoto knew that whoever was in charge knew they were coming.

Kastuki heard the mind message of his Alpha, he ran back towards the bushes and waited stealthily not wanting to give himself up, this better be good. He thought as his eyes shifted towards Kirishima

Kirishima was standing around doing nothing, Katsuki didn't find anything wrong with it since war had yet to start yet both the Beta in him, and he himself wanted no harm upon his mate

I shall kill anyone who tries to hurt my Kiri He thought with determination

Izuku was next to Ochaco, the two pure and frightened wolfs shaking in fear, out of all the people they had yet to shift back to human form, but once inside the gates, they were to scared to do anything

A sudden high pitched noise ran though out the pack, others people came with spears and some shifted as they appeared, they had been ready for them, Shoto's worst fear.

Todoroki Shoto

"Shit," I spat quietly under my breath, so I was right they did know we were here.

I turn back toward Midoriya, he is my first and only priority, he was still standing there now shifted into human form, his face showed bravery, but his eyes cried in fear for help.

"Izuku, Ochaco, I need the two of you ran, it isn't safe," I said towards the two former Yaoyorozus'

They didn't go, I saw it from the corner of my eye, if this is what they wanted, then I can't tell them otherwise, but I told them they would be ok, and I intend to stay on my word.

The others, both human and werewolf form charged towards us, I was the first to move, using my quick skills to take all of their weapons.

Midorya Izuku

I can't do this Katsuki is right, I still depend on others and I am still useless. I'm not running out of this war but I am running somewhere else, as I rushed I shifted into my wolf form when I sensed someone was following me, just as I thought, a wolf with lightly brown-blond hair.

I continued to run as fast as I could but the wolf was too fast,it bit into the side of my stomach and I lost balance.

"Hello Izuku, it's been a while since I've seen my little pet,"

With just the sound of their voice I knew who it was.

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