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Todoroki Shoto

I walked out of AllMight's House and went outside, I was greeted by a shining sun and a light breeze that was good enough to keep me calm and refreshed but not to the point where I could get cold. I watched as everyone walked around doing their everyday things.

"Oh, its Young Todoroki," I heard All Might say as he walked out of his house.

"Good morning sir," I said with a smile. She is still alive, and even though she isn't mine I still have her. "it's good to see you in a good mood," All Might said with one of his signature smiles that made him famous around the world.

"Yeah it really is," I said as I continued to look at the world famous pack.

I watched as people hung up their clothes to dry. I searched the camp looking for a familiar mop of green hair. I found myself thinking about his big beautiful green eyes, his cute freckles, I only just met him but I can tell he is something else.

"Have you seen Izuku?" I asked with slight worry.

"I haven't seen him all day, this is weird he is always the first one to wake up," AllMight pointed out.

I rush out of the house and start asking people if they have seen my soulmate,

"no sir," They would say. "Sorry sir," They would repeat. I then turned towards a guy with red hair

"You! have you see Midoriya Izuku?" I asked making sure to give him a serious face.

"Y-yeah," He said backing up a little.

"Tell me where he is," I said in relief.

"Wow, this place is amazing," I heard an energetic voice say.

"I know," I heard Midoriya's sweet voice agree. My heartbeat went back to normal as I saw Izuku and some girl come around the corner of the entrance.

"Where have you been?" I asked rushing towards them.

"It's you again?" He said sounding confused. It then occurred to me that I never told him my name.

"My name is Todoroki Shoto," and I am your soulmate, but I don't know if you know this yet.

"Nice to meet you Todo-san my name is Midoriya Izuku but please call me Izuku," He said shaking my hand. Introducing himself again. Cute. I then turned towards the girl that was holding his other hand, my grip on Izuku's left-hand tightened in anger.

"O-Oh my name is Uraraka Ochaco," She said as she releases her hands from Izuku to shake mine.

"Nice to meet you," I said with a fake smile. Is she trying to take Izuku away from me? Becuase I'm not going to let it happen. Call me overprotective but Izuku is mine.

Midoriya Izuku

I watched as Ochaco shook hands with that Alpha, I wasn't sure what pack he was the alpha of by my senses were telling for sure that he was an alpha.

"Is there anything that you need?" I asked, maybe he need help with something.

"Um, no I was just looking for you," He said his bi-colored eyes meeting my boring ones.

"Oh...I'm right here," I said my heat beating like crazy

Geez he's kinda creepy.

"Yeah I see that, you can go I guess," he said blushing lightly as he scratched the back of his neck.

"Ochaco c'mon," I said as I grabbed her hand and bowed lightly towards Todoroki

"N-Nice to meet you," I said before I ran off towards the palace

"AllMight! AllMight are you here?" I called as I looked around his house, it was so silent you could hear a pin drop.

"I'm up here young Midoriya," I heard him call.

Ochaco and I look up and see AllMight hanging off the top of the stairwell.

"AllMight what are you doing up there?" I ask trying to hold in my laughs.

"I was bored," He simply said as he jumped down and landed on his brown shoes, his yellow tux without a single stain.

"AllMight, I need your help, please," I said tears threatening to fall from my eyes as I recalled what I saw last night when I ran towards my old pack.

"What is it Young Midoriya?" He asked as he walked closer.

"He has my mom," I cry as I think about my mother, all of my fears have been realized.

"Please help me," I said giving a big bow. I know I may look weak right now but that's because I am if I don't get her back I'll be lost forever.

"Alright, alright, fist we have to stay calm and make sure that we aren't being followed," he said as he looked outside before closing the door. "So tell me what happened," he said as he welcomes us to sit on the couch.

Ochaco was the first one to sit on the butter colored couch, I was in too much worry to even think about sitting down. She reached for my forearm and forces me to take a seat close to the right, away from the windows.

"So I had this dream..." I began to tell him all about my dream and what the goddess told me about Mr.Yaoyorozu and my father, I told him about how I left the pack and went to go see if my mom was ok and that I wanted to get her away from him as soon as possible.

"When I got there, it was horrible people where in poverty and my mom wasn't home, I went looking all roung for her and then I ran into Uraraka and she told me where my mom and and what had been happening," I said as I recalled her telling me how her father became abusive. I knew to keep that between her and myself.

"I brought her with me to get her away from there as fast as I could, and my mom is my only family please help me," I said as I wiped away my tears. I didn't want to seem weak but at this point what does it matter if I don't have my mom.

All Might stood from his chair as ruffles thought my green locks, "there, there don't worry young Midoriya, you know if you cry to much you'll ruin your adorable face," He said giving me smile.

"As leader of this pack it is my job to make sure that everyone in this pack is happy and your part of it so I will help you, C'mon we have a lot to do," he said with confidence and care

So this is what it was like to have a true leader. I got up and began to walk with him but the inside of my head began to pound and my eyes dropped, I felt myself falling towards the ground.


"Hello Izuku," I heard an evil voice cackle

"Yaoyorozu," I said as I grabbed for him, it was an illusion, it was fake, he was is my head.

"What do you want," I said angrily, I was now on the floor after trying to grab for him.

"I have your mother," He said bluntly.

"Give her back," I yelled as my body began to tremble, what is this feeling.

"If you want her alive you will come back, alone," He said with a diabolical laugh as his hologram begin to disappear

Watch out Yaoyorozu, I'm coming for you!

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