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***Third Person***

It took everyone minutes, hours, even days to finally come up with a decent plan to face the horrid Alpha, they all decided that it would be safe to use the element of surprise since they were unaware of what Yaoyorozu was capable of.

Once all of the plans were made we all decided that it would be best to leave tonight, as soon as possible and just as quick, we knew that the night was the best time to move, all agreed on making it slowly towards the Yaoyorozu pack.

We were then all dismissed to pack a small bag and meet at the center of AllMight Pack, we would come back in victory or we wouldn't come back at all, that for sure was what we knew.

Midoriya Izuku

I grabbed my back and filled it with snacks and other fun stuff since I was still new, I didn't have anything with me, and I didn't really need anything either. I reached under the pillow and grabbed the picture of me and my mom. Hang in there mom, we are on our way.

I smiled and placed the folded picture into the back pocket of my jeans, I was scared but I had to do this after all, my mom had always done everything for me, it's finally my turn.

I opened the door and walked towards the center of the pack, I made sure to leave through the back so no one would follow or notice me since there were other people that lived in the apartments.

Todoroki Shoto

"Wow, that's crazy, so like you have a second mate," Katsuki said in amazement as I finished explaining to him how Izuku is my mate.

"Aren't you worried though?" He asked me as he attention was focused on a stick that he had in his hand.

"What do you mean?" I asked him, but then like a massive wave it hit me, what if Izuku dies, I won't have another mate after this, I don't want to lose him either.

"I-I gotta go, I'll meet you at the center," I said as I made my way towards Midoriya

I waited towards the ally between All Might's apartments and someone else's house. I watched as he walked out with a small bag, looking even cuter; if that was possible.

He looked up, it was clear that he couldn't see me, he turned the other way and began to make his way towards the center of the pack, I smiled and followed behind him making sure not to be heard, once I was behind him I wrapped my arms around him

"Hey," I whispered which cause him to scream, I put my hand other his mouth and looked around hoping no one was around to see us

"T-Todo-san, don't do that," He said angrily as he pushed me away softly

"Listen Midoriya, I need to say something but you can't get mad," I said as I scratched the back of my head, I wasn't sure how he was going to take it but I had a feeling it wasn't going to be a good reaction

"What is it Todoroki-kun?" He asked giving me all of his attention

"You can't come with us," I said not meeting his gaze

"W-Why not," He said with slight anger in his voice "Did All Might say this?"

"No, it was me," I said looking at his emerald eyes

"Why? I have to go! I need to be a part of this!" He yelled

"I'm not going to lose you too," I said as I cupped his face with my hands

"No! I'm not weak I can take care of myself, trust me," He yelled his face red from all of the anger

"I-you can't promise that," I yell back

"I can't, but I will do my best, I need to be the one to save my mom," He said in a desperate tone

"Izuku-," What to say? I wasn't sure, Inos and I never had to deal this thing like this, but Inos was a warrior, Izuku isn't.

"Fine but should you be in any danger, I am the first to know, understand?" I asked him as I picked him up

Midorioya Izuku

I can't believe Todoroki right now, how dare he, he knows that I need to be a part of this, that I need to be the one to save my own mother.

I felt his arms pick me up, I wrapped my arms around his neck, "I am the first to know understand?"He asked me

I nodded my head and gave him a quick kiss on the cheek not wanting to do anything intense at the time. I jump from his hold and ran towards Uraraka, she needs to know how I am feeling about this because keeping emotions locked is never good for me.

I am the first to know, understand?

I heard Todo-san's words ring in my head, but even though we are mates and we are getting to know each other I don't think I'm ready to tell him how I am feeling at this moment.

"Deku, you finally made it," I heard Uraraka say in excitement

I gave her an expression that read really?

"What?" she asked like she did nothing wrong

"My name is not Deku," I yell in anger

"Ok, Ok, I was joking," She said as she put her hands in the air defensively,

"What's wrong?" She asked already knowing that I am not myself.

I told her the whole story and everything that Todoroki-san told me and I grew even madder.

"Izuku, you can't just think about yourself right now, what about Shoto and everything that he has been though," She asked giving me a disgusted face like she didn't know who I was.

I hated to think about the words that she told me but I knew that what she was saying is true, he already lost his first mate, and he seems to be the kind of guy that needs love in his life, the kind of guy that has never received it before.

"I guess your right," I said as I hung my head low, disappointed in myself. How had I known before?

I looked up as I heard Todoroki's voice.

"You know what to do," Uraraka said as she pointed towards my new found mate. I gave a quick nod before running towards the boy with bi-colored hair.

"Todo-san," I cried as I made my way towards him with open arms

"What is wrong my cheerful angel from heaven?" He asked as wrapped his arms around me surrounding me in the warmth that was Todoroki Shoto.

Second Mate| Tododeku {Alfa Todoroki x Omega Izuku}Where stories live. Discover now