A lost friend

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Midoriya Izuku

"C'mon we're almost there," He said with smile on his face

"wait for me," I called as I tried to make my small feet move faster

Everyday, since we started going to school we would sneak into the forest just to see what was on the other side, we followed the path as long as we dared but we never got that far, at least not together.

"SNAKE," I yelled in fear as the long creature made its way towards me, I brought my arms towards me trying to use them to cover my body

"Haya," He yelled as he poked the snake with a heavy stick then threw it back into the forest

He was so brave, so fearless, but sadly I never saw him again.

"Wow Kacchan, so cool," I said in awe as he saved me from the scary snake

He was always there to save me, our relationship wasn't the normal kind, he would call me names and hate me but I knew that he cared, deep down in the bottom of his heavy heart.

"Deku! hurry up," He yelled as he kept walking towards the path as it grew longer and longer but we always made it our quest to get further.

We walked together side by side, we weren't the same, not by far, but something brought us together, What was it?

"Deku quick what's the time?" He asked once I finally caught up.

"That's not my name Kacchan," I said angrily

"Time, Now," He said as he ignored my words.

I looked towards the sun, I wasn't blinded by the brightness of its rays, I wasn't damaged by its heat, the sun was my friend, and I was the only one in the pack that could use it to tell the time.

"Your father had the ability to do that too, it's amazing really," Mom would say every time I would tell her the time.

"It's 6:08 pm," I said as I looked towards Kacchan who was picking up a stick

"We won't make it today," He said with a huff, I watched as he made a line across the path to show where we stopped for the day.

"Let's go back," He said not bothering to look my way

Bakugo Katsuki

I quickened my pace wanting to get home as soon as possible, I knew what would happen if we got caught, my chest tightened and my heart beat slowed.


I crawled through my window, I could smell something burning, the house was quiet, I looked around my room it was still dirty, clothes were on the floor, dishes on the table but today was Wednesday, mom's cleaning day, she loved cleaning my room, she loved cleaning in total

It was then that I had a realization as if the sky was telling me, I heart felt empty and the bottom of my stomach began to sink, I ran towards the wooden door and turned the old rusty handle.

"MOM, DAD," I called throughout the house, I checked the upstairs first but they weren't there, I checked the living room too, I could smell the burring smoke making its way towards my lungs, I felt my throat itch and I coughed heavily.

I walked towards the living room and opened the sliding door that led to the kitchen, I turned off the stove and placed the pan in the sink, it was a bad idea, I opened all of the windows and door desperate for air.

I was making my way towards the counter when my feet slipped on something, I landed on the fluid, I brought my hands towards my eyes trying to see the substance that was covering my hands.

The worst mistake of my early life, that was what it was, the smoke began to clear and the red fluid began to make sense, I got up from the ground and saw my mother and father lying next to each other, there blood mixing together and forming a bloody puddle, What was I thinking? Why did I look at them, why did I run towards them, why did I make myself look like a murderer?


"Someone is watching us?" I would hear dad tell me quietly, it was a bad habit of mine but I always looked back. A small flashback played in my head but it wasn't my memory it was my fathers.

I saw mom, but behind her was the Alpha, I could sense his area still in the house, he was watching us, he killed them, and I was next, How do I know?

I was never good at explaining things, was it the letter that he wrote telling me I'm next? What is the fact that I could sense his area was close or was it the fact that their blood told me so?

I rushed to my room, I grabbed all of my things and shoved them into my school backpack, I wasn't going to die in this place, I promise myself I wouldn't! I jumped out my window in the middle of the night, letting the dark night guide me towards the forest path.

"K-Kacchan?" I heard Midoriya call, he looked sad, the look in his eyes told me he knew that I was going to do, yet, for some reason, even though he knew that I wouldn't, his eyes begged me to stay, to keep him safe, to not let him be alone.

"I'm sorry," I said as I placed a bracelet on his wrist, it was my favorite bracelet, Midoriaya got it for me when I was mad at him, he always did that, even though I would always say mean things he wouldn't let me go, at least not without him.

"Kacchan p-please don't leave me," He begged

"Stop it Midoriya, I have to go, but always wear this bracelet, and remember one day when you need me the most, I will be there, right next to you," I said as I gave him a small side hug

I then made my way towards the path, guess we never made it out of there together, now I wonder where he is, I wonder how his life is?

Midoriya Izuku

From the day he left to all the days after, my life became a living hell, the Uraraka's moved into the Bakugo's house, I was living hell, that was until now, but I still don't know where he is

I guess Kacchan, will just have to forever be my Lost friend

***End Of Flashback***

"I'm glad you're finally awake," I heard Uraraka and Todo-san say in unison

"I finally made it," I heard a voice come from the window

"Bakugo, why didn't you get here sooner?" Todoroki-san asked

"I was making sure the pack was in good condition for both of us to be absent,"

Kacchan? No this can't be, this is him? but I thought he was lost

"Kacchan?" I called as I looked towards the person talking to Shoto

"Huh, only one person has ever called me that...Midoriya? is that you," He asked as he made his way closer to me

"KACCHAN!" I yelled as I pulled him into a tight hug

"Your promise is true," I sighed as I loosened my grip on his neck, knowing he was safe was comfort to me.

"I told you I would be here when you needed me the most," He said as he pulled away

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