Did you think it was gonna be easy?

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I never expected it to end this way, but what choice do I have? 

"Izuku, please don't do this, I would rather die than forget the ones that I love," 

"Midoriya, go just leave me here, take your mother and go, please, I will die happy knowing you got what we came here for," 

I can't do this, choose one or the other, I can't choose, I need them both 

Hold on, there must be someone way to stop this. 


Midoriya Izuku 

the cold air ran through my green locks as I was met face to face with the devil himself, I was disgusted, I never wanted to see his terrible face for the rest of my life and yet here I am looking him straight in his dark-silver eyes. 

"Looks like someone decided to show up instead of just hiding behind the others, thank god you look terrible, looks like Toga did her job," He said with a smirk

" I didn't come here to talk, I demand that you give me back my mother,"  I hissed as I met his gaze once again. 

He looked at me in the face before he burst into laughter 

"Oh, look at you so strong and mighty, what are you some kind of princess," He laughed loader. 

I flushed lightly everyone was watching, we have won, the only thing left in our way is Yaoyorozu. 

"I must say you are not as weak as I thought, I killed your mate, I stole your mother and yet that isn't enough to break you, instead you received another mate and this mate just so happens to be the Alpha of the second strongest pack,"  Yaoyorozu says pretending to be impressed. 

I continue to meet his gaze upon hearing that Todoroki is the Alpha of a different pack, how could this be, why didn't he tell me? 

"Looks like you didn't know, you've been too ignorant to even talk to him, and yet for some reason, he is here fighting for your happiness and what does he get in return?" Yaoyorozu asked with a smirk pretending to feel pity for Todoroki. 

I opened my mouth to speak but a figure flying through the air stopped my actions, Todoroki (in wolf form) landed on top of Yaoyorozu and bit into his neck, Shoto shook his head violently trying to dig his fangs deeper into the other Alpha. 

Todoroki Shoto 

 I couldn't stand all of the nonsense he was saying to Midoriya, all the others tried to hold me back but I knew that something needed to be done, I was not going to allow this freak to speak to my lover in such ways. 

"Enough," I growled as Yaoyorozu fell to the ground, I couldn't kill him, no matter how hard I tried, he was much stronger than I. 

"Why, why do you do this, he has never shown you any love and yet here you are serving right under his feet, he is your mate, you are an Alpha, he should be the one by your feet," Yaoyorozu spoke softly through the pain that I placed him in. 

"I am not like you in any way, I will never be like you and anything that you say will never have an effect on me, I love Midoriya, it doesn't matter if he loves me or not, I don't need your shitty words screwing with my lover," I hissed as I places my paw roughly on his neck causing him more pain. 

*Third Person*  

Yaoyorozu pushed Todoroki towards the ground, he had enough of letting miners beat him 

"I'm done," he spoke harshly as he grabbed Todoroki causing the teen to shift back into his human form. 

Todoroki didn't struggle or hesitate, he didn't care what was to happen to him at this moment, all he knew was that he would kill Yaoyorozu for all of the things he spoke to his lover. 

Midoriya watched in fear as Yaoyorozu threw the boy into a building causing him to fall, the building colliding over him

"S-stop, stop," Izuku yelled as Yaoyorozu grabbed Todoroki again and threw him into another building.

"you didn't think it was going to be that easy did you?" Yaoyorozu asked with a devilish voice 

fear rushed throughout Midoriya's body, he was so close, he thought he was finally going to get what he wanted, but as he watched his mate being thrown to death he realized, he was never meant to be happy, he was never to have anything that he wanted, he knew that he would not leave this place with both Todoroki and his mother. 

"Please Yaoyorozu, I will do anything just leave him alone," Midoriya said as his legs gave in 

Mates always have a close connection, and to make that connection stronger the gods made it so, that if your soulmate was ever in pain you could feel it too, it was both a blessing and a curse. 

"I have been waiting to hear you say that," Yauyorozu smirked as he dropped Todoroki's unconscious body, the thud could be heard but Midoriya was glad that it was painless. 

A snap echoed throughout the pack and guards came with a large cage, Midoriya ran towards it upon seeing his mother.

"MOM!" he yelled as his tears fell, he could no longer contain the pain that he was holding in 

"Izuku," His mother yelled as tears also fell from her eyes, she grabbed the bars on the cage to get a closer look at her son, his body was bruised and it was clear that he was in the type of pain that nobody should ever have to face.

"Enough," Yauyorozu spoke as he glanced at their disgusting family reunion.

"A deal is a deal," Yaoyorozu said laughing lightly 

"I want you to erase your mother's memories," He said with a smirk


"Ugh, what's going on," Todoroki asked as he had quickly recovered from his unconscious state, he looked around seeing Midoriya in a panicked state

"Guards," Yaoyorozu yelled as he looked towards Todoroki 

"Lock him up,"

Second Mate| Tododeku {Alfa Todoroki x Omega Izuku}Where stories live. Discover now