I'm Sorry

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Midoriya Izuku

I felt his soft lips brush against mine, I blushed at the softness and hugged him instead, not want to reject his kiss but not wanting to kiss him either.

"What is it my beauteous Midoriya," He whispered in my ear causing me to blush. Even though I don't know him well I like the thought of being in his arms, I feel safe, I want to stay in his protective arms forever.

"My mom, he has my mom prisoner," I sobbed as tears fell out of my eyes, I didn't care if I loved him or not, I just wanted someone to talk to, I wanted someone to listen to me, someone to tell me it's going to be alright.

Almost as if he was reading my thoughts he said the very words that I have been dying to hear "It's going to be okay, I promise it's going to be okay," He said as he ran one of his hands through my hair, for the first time since I ran away I truly feel at home.

Todoroki are you my home? I blushed furiously at the thought but I couldn't stop myself from thinking about it. Is He?

"Tell me what happened," He said looking into my eyes, I smiled lightly, Eirene, I think I have a problem.... I'm falling in love with your ex-mate.


Eirene told Midoriya everything, from asking God to give her human life, to God killing her human form and bringing her back to the realm of gods and goddesses.

"I-I don't know what to say," Midoriya said fiddling with his fingers, even though he didn't like it, he was thinking about who had it worse him or Eirene.

"I know, but I got what I wanted, and I was able to still talk to you, your an amazing loving person," Eirene said happily as she grabbed Izuku's hands

"It's not me, you should feel sorry for," Eirene continued as she looked into Midoriaya's sad eyes

"Then who?" He asked looking at her with uncertainty, at this point he wanted to know who the person he should feel sorry for really was.

"It's you, you have always known this, but things are better now, I promise," Eirene said as she pulled the smaller boy into a hug.

"I feel sorry for Todoroki, he was in love and it was my fault to fall in love with him knowing that I wasn't always going to stay with him," Eirene said sadly not meeting Midoriya's gaze.

"You talk to him don't you?" Izuku asked as he sat on the floor knowing that Eirene needed some space.

"Well yeah," She said giving him a smile.

"It must make him happy knowing that you aren't really dead," Izuku said grabbing onto her hand and looking up at her.

"Guess your right, but don't you go and fall in love with him, he's mine," She teased

"I won't," Midoriya laughed, he didn't know how to love, so falling in love, he knew wasn't something he could do.

"I'm joking, you are his mate after all," she said squeezing his hand.

"Oh..wait...WHAT!" Midoriya screamed.

***End of Flashback***

I knew that she meant what she said, that she still loved him and that she still wanted to go back to him, yet I also knew that she wanted me to be with him, was it possible for someone to want both things, one where you don't get what you want and one where you do.

Even though I haven't known her for that long, Eirene is like a sister to me and I didn't want to fall in love with him for her sake, but my plan isn't working, I have fallen for the mysterious boy that goes by the name of...

Todoroki Shoto.

I'm sorry Eirene...

I'm really really sorry...

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