Something to live for

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*Third Person*

Midoriya limped his way towards Yaoyorozu, trying his best not to scream in horror as he looked upon his beloved's bloody face.

Everything Midoriya has been though, the indignity, the pain, the sorrow, the heartbreaking, love taking horror has brought him to this moment.

"You will never leave me alone will you?" Midoriya spoke softly and then took a deep breath almost as if holding back tears

"You will never let me be happy will you?" He spoke again his voice breaking lightly as his Adam's Apple bombed gently

"People like you don't deserve to be happy," Yaoyorozu spat looking at Midoriya in disgust.

"And why the hell is that?" Todoroki spoke with chivalry

"You disgust me, you look so much like your father, everything about you only ever reminds me of him, I bet even your pathetic smile is as bright and annoying as his, he always got what he wanted, the family, the friends, the girl, everything, and I was left with nothing, I never understood how that was to be, I was going to be the future Alpha after all," Yaoyorozu spoke as he clutched his hands

"Don't you dare speak about my husband in such a way, he caring, selfless, he worked for other people, he was fitting of his role as an Omega, he loved his job because it brought him closer to other people, and even if I don't know were he is, I'm still in love with him because he was everything anyone could ever ask for," Inko abrupted

"My own father loved him more than he loved me, I never liked him, never," Yaoyorozu spoke as he slapped Midoriya to the ground

"Once I heard that he and the girl that was supposed to be MY wife were having a child I promised to make said kid's life a living hell, and even though I tried my best I did everything, I even killed your mate and yet here you are with another mate, your just like him, your just a lucky bastard," Yaoyorozu glared as he grabbed Midoriya's face and then pushed it harshly towards the ground

"Midoriya!" Todoroki yelled as he tried to get up

"I don't know why it took me so long to finally understand what I need to do, I realized I should have killed him when I had the chance, I am not going to make the same mistake," Yaoyorozu said evilly

Just as he was about to impale the young child with the knife an unexpected figure made its way towards him.

"It's alright now, why? Because I'm here," a loud voice boomed

"You again," Yaoyorozu hissed

"You didn't think it was gonna be that easy did you," All Might laughed as he bent the metal in Yaoyorozu's hand with ease

"I'm going to make you pay for every dirty thing you have ever done to my Midoriya," Todoroki spoke in a dark tone that sends shivers down everyone's back, Todoroki was once again on his feet

"This is only the beginning," Yaoyorozu laughed with a smirk as he let out a whistle

His tall, buff goons made their way off the walls and into the battlefield, leaving their leather black coats on the ground.

"Midoriya! Todoroki-kun, are you guys alright?" Uraraka yelled

Midoriya turns around to see his best friend, she too was beaten pretty bad, but compared to Shoto and Deku,  she looked as clean as before she got there.

Behind her stood Iida, Katsuki, and Kirishima, they wanted to fight, this fight was more than just about getting Midoriya's mom back, now it got really personal.

The four made their way towards Midoriya who was getting ready to fight the goons, Todoroki, on the other hand, was making circles around Yaoyorozu, which scared both of the older Alphas. Todoroki had found something to live for once again, and he wasn't gonna lose it, not ever, not again.

The goons began to march towards Midoriya and the other four, as quick as a blink of an eye they had shifted into their wolf form, the goons had sharp fangs and orange eyes,

The eyes of destruction, Midoriya thought as he looked at all of them, surely there was something they could do.

"They can't win, we can't lose," Midoriya heard a voice break the silence, he turned towards his best friend with bright eyes, Uraraka wasn't the same person that she was when she lived in Yaoyorozu pack, she was different she was better.

One of the goons with raven colored fur made his way towards Uraraka trying to take down her confidence, but Uraraka was ready and Midoriya saw something that he will never forget, Uraraka fought, the shy, nervous, safe girl had transformed into something amazing.

Uraraka kicked the raven wolf towards the ground, she then shifted and ran towards the wolf, she was a warrior, she was something else, something better

The other three boys made their way towards the goons wanting to take them down one by one, Midoriya stood, this was a perfect time.

It's hard to know who you are, when No one, not even you will accept it.

Midoriya has to accept that he is who he is, it doesn't matter who tells him what, he will always be Midoriya Izuku, the Omega, the Omega of a great man, the son of an amazing father, and even if he wasn't with him, Midoriya knows that, just like his mother, his father would be proud of who he is.

But now it was time for him to accept who he is, he isn't just an Omega, he is a werewolf, he is more. A loud howl was heard as Midoriya jumped into the air, he shifted faster than anyone has every shifted before, once he landed back on the ground he landed on the wolf that was trying to attack him, right now he wasn't sure what was going on, but he had this feeling, like he could do anything. Everyone looked at him, his fur was not green like his hair, but it was gold, almost as bright as the sun itself. 

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