Worth it?

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*Third Pov*

After a while, Midoriya was finally able to break the person's grip on his shoulder. He crawled back towards Tododroki, placing his ear over the other boy's dead heart, hoping it was just a dream or a really bad joke gone wrong.

"All right Todoroki-kun, you got me now stop messing around," Midoriya said as he held Todoroki's face with his small hands, he rubbed his thumbs over Todoroki's cold cheeks.

"Midoriya," the same voice spoke again. Midoriya turned his head around as he grabbed Shoto's right arm and hugged it tightly, his eyes widened as he looks at said person.

"Eirene," Midoriya says as he lay next to Todoroki's body.

"Midoriya, C'mon," She said as she placed her hand on Midoriya's shoulder, not wanting the smaller boy to lay on the dirty floor.

"NO! how can you be okay with this? he loved you, you loved him, you were lovers, how can you not care?" he asked as he pushed her hand away from him, he grabbed Todoroki's long arm and wrapped it around himself and clung to Todoroki, embracing in a lifeless hug.

(AN// lowkey that was deep sometimes I write deep stuff and get Jungshook afterwards like oof)

"I do care, this is why I am here, Todoroki would not want you to do this to yourself," Inos spoke clearly hurt by Midoriya's words, but she knew that he was not himself and that he didn't mean it, he was just letting out the pain that remained in his heart.

"You're wrong! how do you even know what Todoroki wants, he is not even here to tell you," He spoke, his eyes widened at his own voice, NO! what am I saying? Todoroki is alive, he is just asleep. He said to himself, suddenly a feeling of longing and despair made their way to his heart, and pain even bigger than the once before pierced through his heart. Izuku let out a painful scream causing the birds that were once resting in the trees to fly away.

"I'm sorry about this Midoriya," Eirene spoke gently Izuku turned towards her in confusion, but suddenly everything turned white.


Momo was finally making her way back home, her father sends her on a trip a while back saying she needed to have some time for herself, and she loved her father too much to say no. She was already missing her father. Once she was home she saw her father lying lifelessly on the ground.

"Father!" she yelled as she made her way towards her only parent. She knew this was going to happen, she knew that her father was going to go to war, before she left she read his journal and saw everything that he was planning to do, including sending her away to keep her safe. Even though she knew that war was going to happen this is not the outcome she expected.

"Don't worry father, your death will not be in vain, I will make them all pay, all of them," she spoke as she kissed her father's forehead and walked towards her new home, already planning her father's revenge.


"TODOROKI!" Midoriya screamed as Yaoyorozu shot him once again.

"AAAAHHH," Izuku screamed his body jolted up. He looked around the room.

"It wasn't real, Todoroki is still alive," he said out load trying to reassure himself.


"Hello, is Midoriya Izuku here?"

"I'm sorry ma'am visiting hours are over," the nice lady at the front desk said giving the visitor a nice smile.

Momo raised a gun to her head "I'm going to ask you one more time, is Midoriya Izuku here?" she growled

"H-he's in the third room," she shuddered

Momo walked down the hall with a smirk

"Get ready Midoriya Izuku, I'm going to make you wish you were never born, you messed with the wrong family," she laughed evilly as she continued to walk down the hall.


"Thank you once again for helping my son save me," Inko said with a shy smile as she grabbed the cup of hot chocolate AllMight offered.

"Any time, Midoriya is so much like his father, but he has your eyes," AllMight said as he looked her in the eyes

"I'm afraid that is true, and just like his father he can be very stubborn," Inko spoke before she took a sip of the hot chocolate.

"Is something wrong?" AllMight asked

"I'm wondering if saving me was worth it, he lost his mate because of me," Inko spoke sadly as she watched the marshmallows move within the chocolate, she couldn't help but remember Izuku's cries earlier, she never wanted to hear that again. She couldn't help but think that it was her fault her son cried so hard.

"Saving such a beautiful woman would be worth it, trust me," AllMight said giving her a reassuring smile.

"I-," Inko began but was cut off by Kirishima

"Sir, Sir, it's an emergency," Kirishima spoke frantically

"What is it?" AllMight asked as he and Inko stood from their seats

"Sir, Midoriya Izuku is......."

























Hello there, you smexy reader, so this is the end of Second Mate, but don't worry the next book will be coming out sometime this week, also please make sure to check out my other book Misunderstood Love it's a Haikyuu fanfic, about Kageyama and Hinata ,the Midoriya and Todoroki of the volleyball court, and if you don't know what Haikyuu is don't hesitate to waste half of your life watching it, it is an amazing anime (p.s- episodes 1-3 might be borning but still watch them) I'll be waiting on the other side if you do watch it cause I know you'll join the fandom. any way make sure to comment and stand by for the next book, most likly to come out tomorrow or later today since I have no life. BYE!~

P.s- if you do read my other book please comment and tell me you came from here

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