Does he know?

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Midoriya Izuku

"Todoroki Shoto is my soulmate!!!" I screamed as I jumped out of the bed, I sat on the bed, the room covered in darkness, I turned to the big window and saw that the moon was at its highest peak.

I then heard light snores which caused me to jump, I turned to my right to see Uraraka sleeping in a chair and Todoroki was sitting on the floor also sleeping, leaning his head back against the cold wall.

The lady in my dreams, she told me, I don't know what or how to feel, I placed my sweaty hand over my beating heart, I could hear it's heavy beats, I wasn't sure what I was supposed to think.

I sat there in the dark all on my own, til a thought crashed into my head, I ran out the door and into the forest, the one spot where Todoroki had followed me. Does he know? I asked myself. Todoroki-san and I are both boys, does this mean we can't have a family?


"I can't stand those people," Inko said in anger as she placed Izuku's favorite meal on their small nearly broken table.

I smiled at the small bowl in front of me, back when I was little mom used to make pork cutlet bowls when I did something good, but now that I have to be the omega and I have to deal with people treating me the way they do, she started to make it when I was having bad days, so basically I get to eat my favorite dish every day!

"I can't wait till you find your mate!" she cooed as she cleaned my bloody cheek, I winced at the pain but it soon went away.

"Why?" I asked as I picked up the chopsticks that I always used.

"Because once you have a family we can finally be free, I'm going to take you and your mate far away so we don't have to raise your children in this horrid place," Mom told me as she kissed my wound.

"When I have a family, we are all going to live happily ever," I jumped from my seat and hugged my loving mother.

"When you have a family, my broken heart will heal and I will forever cry with happiness,"

***End Of Flashback***

Now that I might not be able to have a family, will she ever be happy? I pressed my back harshly against the tree and slid my back on the hard bark, I didn't care that wood was imbedding it's way up my back, I was too scared to face my mom and tell her.

I can't help but have seconds thoughts, I don't know what it is like to be in love with someone, sure I love my mom but it's not the same, will he even like me back, how do I know if I like him, sure he makes my heart want to jump out of my chest but, how do I know?

"Hello beautiful," I heard a monotone voice call.

Alarmed by the sudden voice I quickly turned my head, surprised it didn't fall off. 

"H-Hi," I shudder as I see who it was.

"I wanted to make sure you're alright," he indicates placing his big hands into his pocket.

I nodded my head not really sure what to say, should I tell him what the lady told me? No, he'll just think I'm crazy!

"Midoriya," he said in a vagrant tone.

Todoroki Shoto

I looked into those eyes and I knew that I was never coming back from the door I just entered, here I was now, it's all new to me, but for Midoriya I would do anything because even though I don't know much about him I was already endlessly in love with him.

"Listen, I know this is a weird question but did someone talk to you, like maybe in a dream or something?" I asked nervously


"Not this place again," I groaned

"What are you talking about?" Inos, I mean Eirene asked, it was hard but, I knew that I had to get used to calling her by her real name.

"I hate coming to this place, you always ruin my dreams," I said angrily.

"Oh really?" She asked with a devious smirk.

"Yeah," I said annoyed.

Out of the blue, I saw Midoriya making his way towards us.

"Todo-san," He said using that cute nickname that I fell in love with.

"M-oria," I said nervously, I can't speak clearly when I'm near him, his cuteness is blocking my words.

"I almost forgot-" Eirene began but never got to say, I woke up almost immediately, as I caught a glimpse of Midoriya leaving the hospital room, I followed him just in case.

***End Of Flashback***

"Todo-san, I'm sad," Midoriaya said suddenly with sad eyes, the alpha in me moved fast, with a blink of an eye, I was carrying the smaller boy in my arms, I sat down and reclined my back against the very tree that I saw Midoriya lean on.

"I-I-I need help," He cried sadly.

I used one of my hands to wipe away his tears, it was then that I realized how close we were if one of us make a move, our lips would intertwine, how I wished so badly for that to happen.

"Todoroki-kun," He whispered, he was so close I could taste his minty breath, I moved slowly towards him, my lips brushed quickly against his. 

Heyyy! Sorry this book is trash, it's 💜S💜 coming thought with the edits, I'm happy you guys are enjoying my book but I'm upset that I'm only now fixing it some parts were messed up 😭

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