Orange eyes

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*Third Person*

Todoroki continued to circle Yaoyorozu and AllMight, every time he did this his right eye would grew darker and his left would grow bright, his eyes continued to do this.

Being an Alpha, Todoroki has the power to heal himself, he knew that if he wanted to win this fight, he would have to be patient and wait to fully heal.

AllMight watched the younger Alpha move, you can't hear his steps, he was a ghost, right now Todoroki was like an assassin, and like an assassin, you never know when he is going to strike.

AllMight let out a breath of relief, he was glad that Todoroki was on his side, he looked towards Yaoyorozu, who didn't take his eyes off Todoroki, Yaoyorozu knew that if he took his eyes off the boy, he would be a dead man.

Yaoyorozu shivered, his heartbeat quickened, how could this be, had he underestimated this young Alpha? Impossible, he has never guessed wrong, he kept his eyes on Shoto, how can he be doing this to him, Yaoyorozu eyes widen.

Todoroki's eyes where now the color of dark lava, his eyes were a deep, dark orange, the eyes of destruction. Todoroki plans to kill Yaoyorozu, and the great king knows this. Yaoyorozu's heartbeat quickened, and though he would never let anyone know, he knew there was no escape from Todoroki. Shoto turned his pierced eyes towards the evil man, Yaoyorozu finally knew, this Alpa is not like any other, and though he may not be as old as the others, he is far stronger than anyone could imagine.

Midoriya Izuku

I watched Todoroki closely, I knew there was something different about him, I watched as he made circles around the other Alpha' s, I've never been an Alpha fight before so I don't know if this is something Alphas do before battle.

I wanted to go in there, I wanted to fight, but there was something about Todoroki-kan that wasn't right. His area was completely different, it was more powerful and any other I have ever seen, I just really hope it isn't what I think it couldn't be...right?....Todoroki would never kill..., right?

I watched him closely and my fears screaming in my head, just as Todoroki was about to make another lap around Yaoyorozu, I saw them, his eyes, they were like a blazing fire, a fire strong enough to kill anything that gets in its way, that was when I realized.

"I'm going to make you pay for every dirty thing you have done to my Midoriya,"

"Make you Midoriya,"


"for my Midoriya,"

his words continued to sing in my head, Todoroki was willing to kill, but not for himself, but for me, he is willing to kill others for my sake, so I was wrong to mislead Kitaru's words, Todoroki does care about me more than I will ever know, and so does Kitaru, they are both willing to kill for my sake, that is why their eyes shine a bright orange, they both have the same goal.

As werewolfes our eyes change when our wolfes think of something, red eyes are when a wolf takes full control, there is nothing you can do, sometimes our eyes will be yellow, that is when, well, mom said our eyes change yellow when a werewolf wants to have a private dance in a room with their mate, and orange is when both the human and wolf part of a werewolf both want to kill something that is hurting someone that they are deeply about, people would do their best to stay way for said werewolf, but no matter where you are, a werewolf with orange eyes can always fine you, escecally if you are their target.

Todoroki Shoto

I was so close, any moment now I will be able to kill this horrid man, he will be out of Midoriya's life for good, I'll make sure of that.

'be patient,' Kitaru spoke

I am, I just don't want to wait any longer

I spoke back as I continued to make circles around Yaoyorozu, how long will it take for me to bite his head off and watch him die, I wondered. This became more than just war the moment Yaoyorozu called Midoriya back to this horrible place.

*Third Person*

As Todoroki took one more step he could feel the energy running throughout his body, he felt powerful and limitless, he opened his mouth as a loud growl escaped his human form, faster than a blink of an eye Todoroki transformed. Midoriya gazed upon Kitaru only this wasn't him, this creature had longer fangs and sharp nails, they could surely kill someone with one touch, the creature's eyes were darker than the dark pits of hell. Midoriya wondered where Todoroki was.

The vicious creature's eyes landed on Yaoyorozu as he let out a whimper, he knew he was a dead man, for the first time ever he had truly underestimated someone, looking upon the young Alpha he wondered,

what kind of hell did this boy live though to be able to do this?

and though he knew he would never get the answer he knew that he will do anything in his power to prevent himself from dying. He has a daughter to take care of. He never realized how much of a mistake he had made till now, all he wanted was to find his perfect daughter (Momo) a loving mother, and he knew that no one in his pack more loving than Inko herself, all these years and he was still smitten with her, and now it was his time to take her back.

As a father, Yaoyorozu knew that he was not enough for the future Alpha, he knew that his daughter was lonely that she missed her mother who left them way back when, Momo was a kind girl, and though she never said anything about missing her mother, Yaoyorozu knew it was true, Momo needs a female influence, all Yaoyorozu can do is be a father, and so he knows he can not die today, he can not leave his daughter alone without any parens to pick her up when she falls, in order to see his daughter again he knew one thing for sure, he would have to kill Todoroki Shoto

Just like that Midoriya's worst fears came to life as orange eyes appeared on Yaoyorozu's face, there is no longer a way to make peace, he has to do something to help Todoroki or death would take him away from Midoriya.

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