One Night

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Midoriya Izuku

I wasn't sure what Todo-san was doing to me but it felt good and I wanted him to do it forever

"You belong to me," he said in a deep positive voice that sends shivers throughout my body

He continued to place his soft lips over my pale neck, the sensation was indescribable, I wanted it to last forever.

"Tod-ahg~" a strange sound fell from my mouth as I was calling his name

I quickly covered my mouth, I have no idea what these sounds where but I didn't want to make them, especially not in front of Todoroki-kun, how embarrassing

Todoroki Shoto

I listened to Midoriya's sweet moans as I continued to mark him with a hickey, that was good enough for now since we weren't alone at the moment

I watched him place his small hands over his glorious lips, trying to hide his beautiful moans

"Don't cover your mouth, I want to hear your sweet moans," I said as I removed his hands from his luscious lips

"Todoroki-kan, please~" he moaned, I wasn't sure if he wanted more or if he wanted to stop, but I was going to go with him wanting more.

I continued at his neck wanting to savor the flavor of his delicious skin in my mouth.

Then almost unexpectedly he moaned loudly like he has no control of letting out the pleasure I was giving him.

Midoriya Izuku

I was now screaming from the sensation that Todo-san was giving me, it was embarrassing, I really didn't want to be here, why would he do this kind of stuff to me when people can walk in on us at any time.

"Hmh," I heard someone loudly clear their throat

I looked up and saw my best friend with her favorite pink and gray PJs

"U-Uraraka," I shuddered

I can't look her in the face when she saw me in this position with Shoto, what will she think about me now.

"Look, I know you guys just met and everything, but Todoroki, Midoriya is a pure child and has no control over anything, so this is not the time to be doing this, what if someone heard you guys and they come and kill us in our sleep then what would happened?" She lectured with her hand on her hips

"S-sorry Uraraka," I said with a huge flush on my face

She gave me a smirk

"It's alright, just don't moan so loud the whole world can hear you," She said as she laughed diabolically

"Urarakaaa," I say in a complained tone

"Why does it matter?"

Todoroki Shoto

"Why does it matter?" I ask looking into her eyes

"Huh?" She said confused

"I like that he moaned loudly, I like that he has no control, he is my mate and I love everything about him," I said as I wrap my arms around the smaller boy

"Todo-san stop talking!" Midoriya said with a red face as he covered it with his gentle hands.

"You guys are adorable, but I'm serious, be quiet, woke me up for no reason," she said in a sour tone

"I'm sorry Uraraka-chan," Izuku said with his adorable voice

"It's fine, I'm leaving the way nice hickey Midoriya," She said giving me a smile

"H-Hickey?" Izuku repeated as he turned around giving me and adorably confused face

"You're adorable," I chuckle as I stand up and pull him with me.

"Wait, Todoroki-kun, what is that?" He asked looking at me with those innocently pure emerald eyes.

"It's nothing she was joking," I said as we walked back towards the camp

"Uraraka-chan has never said the word 'hickey' before," He said with a small pout

"It's just something that I did so that when we go into war people know that you are mine, so they won't mess with you, I don't want to lose you," I said as I picked him up bridal style

"You don't ever have to worry about losing me, cause I will take victory, with you by my side," he said as he wrapped his arms around me

Midoriya Izuku

Todoroki-kun is truly amazing, he wants to take care of me, he even gave me a hickey, I don't know what it does but it should protect me from danger.

I leaned against his chest as he continued to make his way back towards the camp, the heat of his chest, the sound of his steps, the beat of his heart, the comfort of his arms, it was all enough to make to make me sleep.


"Hello Izuku," I heard Eirene say happily

"Eirene!" I said with a bright smile

"I was watching you guys, you guys are adorable, nice hickey, by the way, Shoto never gave me one, I wouldn't let him," She said as she sat in a chair that magically appeared

"Why not? Don't you want to be protected," I asked

"Of course," she said giving me a smile

"Yeah, it was nice that he gave me one," I said with a bright smile

"Wait what?" She said looking confused

"Todoroki said that he gave me a hickey, I didn't know what it was he told me that it would protect me from danger," I said as I touched the skin where the 'hickey' was.

"Haha, that's not what a hickey does," she said laughing so hard she fell off her chair

"What does it do then," I said crossing my arms upset that she was laughing at me

"A hickey is a love bite," She said once she stopped laughing

I felt a dark blush on my face when I the realization that when people see it they will now, that Todo-san and I were doing inappropriate things.


Todoroki Shoto

I wanted to cuddle with Izuku tonight so I was gonna take him to my tent since Katsuki wasn't there yet

I was about to open it when I heard moans coming out from the tent

"Shut up," I heard Katsuki's voice

"I-I can't help it," I heard another voice

Probably that one redhead that was obviously his mate.

I turned around, guess I'm staying the night with Uraraka and Izuku.

I began walking towards their tent when I heard Midoriya mumble poophead and make angry faces in his sleep.

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