Percico: A High School Story

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ok. before I start, A/Ns will be in bold and I make typos. A lot. this will be in high school without gods and shit but same people. after this can you check out my other two books too? thanks!

Percy's POV

I walked passed the exit doors on the way to the pool. I loved it when I joined the swim team. Girls swoon over me when I'm in my swim shorts. Too bad I'm gay. Whatever. I took a glance outside and I did not like what I saw. Darin, the school bully/asshole, was beating up someone with his friends. I rushed outside and yelled.


They stopped for a second and looked at me.

"Whatcha gonna do 'bout it?"


I punched him in the face. Big mistake. His friends grabbed my arms and I couldn't move.

"That was a huge mistake punk."

He punched me in the stomach. I would've doubled over but his friends held me up. He hit me again, across the face. I felt blood come out from my nose. He continued punching me. Then he did something bad. Like really bad. He took out a knife. Oh no. He held it to my throat.

"Now whatcha gonna do? Hm?"

I struggled to get lose from their grip but it was no use. He cut my arm. I screamed but they gagged me. They laughed at me. He cut me again across the stomach.

"You cryin Jackson? Wimp!"

They threw me to the ground and ran back to their car laughing. I was dizzy from the blood loss. I looked down and saw my shirt was stained badly. I didn't care. I needed to get to the boy. I half walked half limped over to him. He was worse than me. He had bruises and cuts on his arms. But the cuts on his arms looked more like reopened wounds. Poor kid. I picked him up and carried him to my car. I drove as fast as I could to the hospital. I barged through the doors.

"He's hurt! Help!"

A lady at the front desk looked at both of us and yelled for two beds. I laid him down on one.

"Sir please lay on the bed. You need help."

"No... I'm... ok..."

I stumbled forward and felt some people lifting me up before I blacked out.

Nico's POV

I woke up in what looked to be a hospital. I was laying in a bed and there was some things sticking out of my arms. They were also bandaged up. I looked next to me to see a guy staring out the window. He turned and looked at me and jumped.

"Oh thank god your awake!"

"What happened?"

"These guys beat you up and I brought you here."

"Oh. Thanks."

Then I noticed he had a bandage on his arm.

"Did they do that to you?"

"Oh yeah... And this."

I tried not to blush as he lifted his shirt. He had a bandage wrapped around his stomach.

"I'm sorry. You didn't have to help me."

"I couldn't leave you like that. You almost died."

I looked up into his eyes. Gosh they were gorgeous. Green like the sea, they sparkled like the sun hitting the water. I didn't realize I stared that long. I blushed and turned away. He giggled.

"My name's Percy by the way."


He smiled at me. He was so perfect. So undeniably perfect. His eyes, his laugh, his smile, omg I'm crazy. He won't like me. He's probably straight.

"You ok? You keep zoning out."

"I'm ok... sorry."

He smiled again. I was blushing like crazy.

Percy's POV

Dam this kid was cute. He kept staring at me and blushing. It was so adorable. It took a lot of willpower not to just squeeze him there. A nurse came in.

"Nico will be able to leave in a few hours. Visiting hours are over but I'll let this one slide because he's leaving in a bit."


She shut the door and left.

"Your seriously gonna stay?"

"Yeah. I'll drive you home. Don't worry."

"Thanks..." he mumbled something else.

"What was that?"

"Uh." His face was red again. So so so cute! "Nothing."

"You can tell me."

I leaned in closer.

"I uh..... erm..."

"C'mon. Tell me."

Then he kissed me. I melted. I kissed back and pulled him close. About time.

yay first chapter!

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