Chapter 18

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So yeah. That happened. And just to make my unicorn friend @yourtypicalgummybear happy I will post earlier than usual.

Nico's POV

He's gone... No window open. No blood. Just. Gone. I looked all around the room. There was sign of struggle cause the sheets on the bed were messed up and the wires that usually went into his arm were hanging off the bed. I was worried and so confused until I looked up. One of the ceiling panels above his bed were slightly opened. Without hesitation or telling Percy, I balanced a chair on the bed and climbed up. I moved the panel and climbed into the hole. I felt someone grab my leg.

"Nico. What the hell are you doing? And where's Leo?"

"Um. I have no idea where Leo is but I saw this panel opened so I decided to climb up and see where it leads."

"Thats the smartest and stupidest thing you've done. I'm coming with you."

"No. You just got stabbed. Heal up a bit. I'll be ok."

"No Nico. I'm not leaving your side. We go together or you stay here with me."

"Ugh. Fine."

I climbed up again and pulled Percy up. We walked on the support beams. Since it was the top floor, we could stand instead of crawl. I saw a light up ahead and went toward it. When we approached I saw a door. I opened it and there were stairs going up. I motioned Percy to follow and we walked up. There was another door and once we opened it we were on the roof of the tall building. I scanned the whole roof and saw Leo and Jason tied up and gagged, back to back right next to the ledge. I ran towards them when all of a sudden a yell from behind stopped me. I turned to see a guy with a mask on holding Percy with a knife against his neck. (In every book I put that situation at least once. Who agrees?)

I was frozen. Two guys jumped off the small roof from where we came out of. One ran up to Jason and Leo and shoved them onto the ledge so with a small push they would fall 20 floors. I was hyperventilating. My head was pounding and I couldn't breathe. I couldn't talk. I couldn't scream. The third guy came up to me and shoved me to the ground. He took out a gun. My eyes widened but they wouldn't spill tears.

"Whatcha gonna do now freak? We have your friends, your boyfriend, and once I give my little signal you'll be all alone again."

I was breathing hard. Woah. I could breathe again.

"Now you listen here. And listen good you fag. You come with me or else I will kill them right before your eyes."

I couldn't leave them.

"If I go with you," my voice was hoarse. "will you let them go?"

"They're no use to us so as soon as we make sure they won't follow, we'll let them go."

"NICO DONT YOU DARE-" Percy was cut off by the guy shoving a rag in his mouth.

"F-Fine." I said. Regretting everything.

I slowly got up. He grabbed my arms and handcuffed my hands behind my back. He nodded at his friend that was holding Percy. He hit Percy I the back of the head and Percy crumbled. Before I could scream they knocked me out too.


Percy's POV

When I woke up I was on the roof still. The three guys and Nico were no where to be found. I pulled the gag off and ran over to Jason and Leo. I pulled them back and untied them. They were slowly waking.

"Whoever they were, they're smart. They know Nico's weaknesses." Jason stated.

"I don't care. I just want Nico back..." I sobbed.

yeah I'm done

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