Chapter Two

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Nicki POV

It was 2 am in the morning and I just left Daddy P's penthouse and I'm walking to the club to get my car it really isn't that far when I got there I put the bag in my car and went to get the Gucci bag in ny dressing room. When I got home I went straight to bed "so fuckin tired"

The next morning I woke up at 10 am (well same morning basically) due to my phone ringing non stop I answered it without looking at the caller

Nicki: Hello (mumbling)

Candi: Hey Cookie I'm back in Philly

Nicki: For real?

Candi: Yeah and I was hoping we can meet this afternoon

Nicki: Okay where?

Candi: Come to my house cause I need you to help me unpack my clothes

Nicki: Wow you're gonna make me your slave

Candi: Yeah that's a way of showing that you missed me

Nicki: Okay bye

I hung up and went go take a shower, got dressed and went to Candi's house. I got there and found Candi looking at the TV "hey Cookie" she said smiling I waved at her and went to her refrigerator I found a burger and some chips. I took them and sat next to Candi "you ain't gonna warm it?" She asked

"Nahh" I said while chewing

"Mean ass you ain't even ask me how my trip was you just went straight to the fridge" she said acting kinda hurt

"I'll ask you that when I'm done eating"

When I was done eating we went to her bedroom and started unpacking her clothes

Nicki: So how was your trip?

Candi: Oh so now you wanna know about my trip but anyways let me tell you so when I was in London I met this dude named Jonathan he was hot and all but he wanted a wife and kids in like a year cause he said life is too short and I wasn't looking for that I just wanted some dick so we went on a date

Nicki: Wait why would you go on a date if you ain't interested in him?

Candi: Free food bitch things are expensive as hell but most of the time it was work. So what did you do while I was away?

Nicki: Working as usual

Candi: You mean drugging men and taking their money

Nicki: That's a job to me

Candi: Nic that's dangerous

Nicki: I know but that's how I put food on the table

Candi: Why don't you go back to school and get your degree? You had to do a 3 year course and you only did 2 just 1 year and you could be out of this life

Nicki: Okay let me just save enough money and I'll be out of this life

Candi: Pinky promise?

Nicki: Pinky promise

We then hugged and went back to unpacking


It was Friday meaning it was gonna be packed tonight. I was in Jimmy's office sitting on his lap while he was fingering me I was horny as hell and I would never have sex with my boss. He kept fingering me until I came all over his fingers he put his fingers in his mouth and sucked them

Jimmy: Shit baby you taste good

Nicki: Thanks Daddy

Jimmy: How about you come to my house tonight and finish this off

Nicki: Yes I will

Jimmy: Okay go make me money

I faked smiled until I was out of his office pussy ass nigga thinks I'm gonna sleep with him. I went to my changing room and wore my underwear and bra and my thing knee stripper boots. I was performing after Mary so while she was still on stage I put on some make up. After she was don't performing the DJ introduced me

"Now welcoming one of the hottest dancer is Philly who will leave you hard, thirsty and begging for more. She knows how to make heads turn and leave y'all broke without wasting time let's make some noise for Cookiethe crowd made noise I walked on stage and scanned the room for my target for tonight I spot that tall fine chocolate Daddy I met at Victoria's secret he was smoking a blunt I'm bouta to turn this mother up the music started playing I started dancing then I twerked and it started raining money I climbed the pole and went to the top I did a few tricks and did a spilt while sliding down the pole the chocolate daddy stood near the stage I crawled there and called him with my finger he came closer and licked his lips "Hey playboy" I smiled

"I'm Daddy Rihmeek to you" he said I kissed his neck he smell so good

"Bring your ass to the private room" he took a $200 dollar bill and put it in my panty I was so turned on after I was done performing I picked up all my money and went to the changing room and put on some sexy red lingerie I went to the private room and saw my daddy

He was sitting on the chair smoking a blunt I went over to him and stood between his legs he pulled me down on his lap and I started grinding on him

"Don't start something you can't finish" he whispered I got up and turned the music on I started dancing I twerked on him and I felt him get hard he tried to grab my ass but I hit his hands away "no touching daddy" I danced until I couldn't hold myself I needed him inside me "I need you inside me Daddy" I moaned

"Let's go to my house baby" he carried me to his car and drove off. When we got to his house we couldn't keep our hands to ourselves he kissed me on my lips and I kissed him back we fought for dominance and I was winning so he went down to my neck and found my spot he kept sucking my neck while his hands were roaming around my body. He carried me upstairs still kissing me we got to his bedroom and he threw me on the bed. He took off his pants and his boxers and damn this nigga was blessed

"Are you ready for Daddy?" He smirked

"Hell no" I said mentally

Excuse any errors

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