Chapter Eight

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Nicki POV

I woke up and I was in Meek's room laying on his chest I got out of bed went to the bathroom and handled my business I went back and found Meek on his phone texting as always

Nicki: Good morning

He ignored me

Nicki: I said good morning

Meek: Bitch I heard you

Nicki: Excuse me?

Meek: Go to ya room you getting on my nerve

I stood up opened the door then banged it he looked at me

Meek: Get out

Nicki: Make me

He came over to me and opened the door and pushed me out of his room then closed the door I opened it then banged it again and went to the basement aka my bedroom I sat on the bed I really hate this nigga he's just gonna use me for sex then kick me out like some hoe I went upstairs and found Meek eating breakfast I sat next to him

Nicki: I'm sorry for being rude this morning

Meek: Ard

Nicki: Do you forgive me?

Meek: I don't know

Nicki: Meek please

Meek: Okay I forgive you now get outta my face

I stood up and went to the balcony and sat there I just wanna go home I started crying I should've listened to Candi now I'm stuck here for life I'm gonna die here the door opened and there appeared Kayla

Kayla: Stop crying I know Meek can be mean at times but you have to be strong ever since his best friend died he has been violent towards people and he stopped taking his meds and there's nothing we can do about it his mother tried talking to him but it's no use

Nicki: How did he die?

Kayla: They were in a gang fight and he got stabbed

Nicki: That's so sad

Kayla: But don't ever mention his friend dying he never told me about it Omelly did

Nicki: Why Meek ain't never tell you?

Kayla: He never expresses his emotions to anyone except Omelly

Nicki: Oh I'll keep my mouth shut

Kayla: Let's go have breakfast

We went inside and Meek was nowhere to be found

"I'll be right back" I went to Meek's bedroom and found him smoking a blunt and drinking Hennessey I went over to him and sat on his lap he started rubbing my butt

Meek: Wassup shawty

Nicki: I just wanted to apologize about early

Meek: That's water under the bridge

Nicki: You know you can talk to me about anything right?

He nodded

Nicki: Do you mind telling me about your best friend?

He frowned

Meek: Who told you about him?

Nicki: I just wanna help you

He pushed me off his lap and stood up

Meek: I ain't need ya help

Nicki: Meek I care about you can't you see that?

Meek: I don't give a fuck

Nicki: Meek please talk to me

Meek: You're like all of them Kaiser never judged me

He broke down and started crying

Meek: He was there for me when I lost my pops he was there when shit at home wasn't alright he taught me how to hustle and survive in these streets now y'all hoes wanna act like y'all love a nigga cause a nigga got money not even knowing the real meaning OF LOVE ALL YOU CARE ABOUT IS MONEY

He broke the bottle of Hennessey that was next to him and I saw blood on the floor he smirked and started laughing

Meek: Blood represents love

I stood there and just watched him pick up the broken pieces

Meek: People come in your life with the intention to use you for money, suck you dry then leave but I ain't never gonna go broke shit it was hard growing up but trust me if a female behaves like a bitch then treat her like one

I was confused on to what he was talking about he came closer to me and passionately kissed me then smiled

Meek: You probably think I'm bipolar too like them lame ass doctors putting me on meds

Nicki: I'm not here to judge you

Meek: That's what they all said till they saw the real Meek then they steal my FUCKIN MONEY and leave

Nicki: I'm not like the rest

Meek: Prove it then

Nicki: How?

Meek: You gon sleep with me and my niggas

Nicki: No Meek

Meek: Then you don't love me

Nicki: Meek I do but I won't sleep with your friends

Meek: Get out

Nicki: FINE

I went downstairs and Kayla was asleep on the couch lazy ass. I took her phone and dialed Candi's number it rang three times before she answered it

Candi: Hello?

Nicki: Candice it's Nicki

Candi: WTF? Girl where the hell have you been? We've been looking for you and the police arrested Jimmy cause we think he sold you and th-(gco)

Nicki: Look I don't have much time I'm in Willow Brooke estate number 448 please come and fetch me hurry up

I hung up and hid Kayla's phone under a cushion. I exhaled and smiled "finally going home" I said above a whisper

"Think again" I turned around and saw an angry Meek he grabbed me by my T-shirt "you're not going anywhere ya hear me" I nodded quickly he woke Kayla up and said something to her and she nodded he dragged me to the car and he started driving he was driving so fast he pulled up at some convenient store and locked me in the car he came back with a bottle of water and a can of Coca cola he opened the car and got in he swallowed some pills and lit up a blunt

Meek: You belong to me don't you get it I deserve you and you deserve me why you tryna leave me don't I treat you like a Queen? Huh? ANSWER ME

Nicki: You do I just thought you needed some time to yourself I don't wanna be a burden

It was silent for a moment

Nicki: Can I have water?

He smirked then gave me the water bottle I drank all the water and sat there quietly he started driving and I honestly don't know where we were going I started feeling dizzy and my vision got a little blurry Meek took his hand off the steering wheel and sat back while the car was moving fast

Nicki: Meek you gotta stop the car we're gonna die

Meek: We belong together Nic we're gonna die together so just relax it'll be over soon

The car was out of control and my vision got blurrier I was feeling weak and everything was spinning then BANG it all went black

Excuse any errors

I wanna start updating daily but y'all ain't commenting😥

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