Chapter Fifty Four

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Meek POV

I was sitting next to Nicki's hospital bed Ayanna and her kids were with Omelly and Thembi I hope they not fucking in front of them

A nurse walked in and greeted me she checked Nicki then wrote everything down she then left I held Nicki's hand and kissed it I don't wanna lose my wife even though I'm mad at what she has done

I kissed her lips and went over to the couch to take a nap

I woke up hearing voices I looked around and it was her friends I greeted them

"What happened?" Sherika asked

"She overdosed on my pills" I said

"Why?" Candi asked

"Ayanna's family is looking for her so I wanted to take her back to her family"

"Wait so if she wakes up, will she have bipolar?" Sherika asked

"I don't think so"

"This is all your fault" Candi said

"My fault? How is it my fault?" I asked

"Firstly you steal this poor child and introduce her to Nicki you wait for them to get attached to each other now you want to take her away, how could Nicki possibly live without her Ayanna?" She semi yelled

"Yo I was just tryna do the right thing I don't wanna go to hell" I said

"You're already going to hell for the things you did to my best friend" she yelled at me


"No Rika he needs to hear this, you're a murderer and a drug dealer, you deserve everything bad coming your way" she said to me

I looked at her Lord knows how much I wanna strangle her ugly ass

"Enough Candice, if you came here to cause trouble then leave, Nicki needs our support" Sherika said

"It's cool, I'll leave" I said leaving the room

"Thank you" I heard Candi's voice as I exited the room

I went to Omelly's place I got in through the backyard and found Max and Ben playing around

I went into the house and Ayanna was wearing Thembi's wig

"Meeky how do I look?" She asked doing her "catwalk"

"You look great, you look like a Queen" I said

"What's a Queen?" She asked

"A big princess" I said

"And mommy's a little princess" she said

"Yeah" I said

"Where's Nicki?" She asked

I just starred at her I didn't know what to say

"Daddy where's my mommy?" She asked

"She's in hospital" I said

"The place with the red cross?" She asked

"Yes baby" I said

"That means she's sick right?" She asked

"Yeah" I said

"No daddy she needs to get better, whose gonna play I hate you Meek with you?" She asked

I looked at her confused everything is a game to this girl

"You will" I said

"I'll be Nicki then" she said


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