Chapter Thirteen

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Nicki POV

Nicki: Adopted?? When??

Lady: The same day you bought her here they were fighting for her

I looked at Meek and he was so angry he went up to the lady and choked her

Meek: Make sure that by the end of the day she's back here and I'll come collect her in the morning otherwise you'll be very sorry

He was talking very slow and his deep voice got me wet I tried to pull him away but he was strong the lady started losing her breath and Meek let go. He went back to his car and I went to check on the lady

Nicki: I'm very sorry about that but please help us bring Ayanna back home

I left her and went to Meek's car he had his hands over his face I put my hand on his lap

Nicki: We'll find her I promise

I leaned closer and kissed his cheek. After a few minutes of dead silence he started driving towards his house we got there and went inside I went to his bedroom and waited for him. He came and took off all his clothes excluding his boxers he got in bed and laid there looking at the ceiling I got on top of him and started kissing him and he didn't kiss back I went down to his neck and he pushed me away. I took off my dress and was now in my bra and panties I got on top of him again and started grinding on him while kissing him. He kissed back and I put my hand in his boxer and started massaging little Rihmeek he groaned and squeezed my butt


After our session I had to go to work but I wanted to talk to him first "Meek wake up" I shook him a bit he said something I couldn't understand and pulled the cover over his head pussy put his ass to sleep. I removed the covers and shook him harder "wake uuuuppp" I whined

He opened his eyes and pulled me closer "Wassup shawty?" He licked his lips

"I wanted to apologize for hurting you it wasn't intentional and i- (gco)

"It's okay babygirl just pray that we get her back or that's your ass" he said while rubbing my butt I nodded quickly

He licked his lips again "lemme suck ya titties"

"You'll do that later I have to go to work" I tried moving

"That'll wait, why ya nipples so hard?" He said rubbing and twisting them before putting my left boob in his mouth


Meek POV

I was chilling with O smoking my blunt until my phone rang it was a private number I answered

Phone convo:

Meek: Yo wassup

Lady: Hello Mr Williams you're speaking to Michelle Burney from the innovative orphanage we would like to let you know that Ayanna has arrived

Meek: Oh shit word?

Michelle: What word?

Meek: Yo I'm on way

Michelle: Okay Sir we will be waiting

Meek: Fuck yeah

I hung up "Yo nigga we gotta go" I stood up

"Fuck we going?"

"Innotative orphanage"

"Da fuck is that?"

We got in the car and started driving I was high as shit and I couldn't remember the directions to that place I decided to call that Michael lady

Meek: Yo Michael I'm at the convenient store on 7th street where do I go from here?

Michelle: You turn left and you'll see a sign that says innovative orphanage and you follow it

Meek: Okay thanks

I hung up and followed the directions she gave me I got out of the car

Meek: I'm about to get my baby girl

Omelly: Bro you stupid it's Innovative not innotative 

Meek: Whatever man let's go inside

Omelly: Bro you high as shit do you think you'll recognize her?

Meek: Yeah (chuckling)

We got inside and the lady at the reception called me

Meek: Hello sexy I'm looking for a Michael Bentley

Lady: Who?

Meek: Michael Bentley

Lady: There's nobody by that name Sir

Meek: Yo there's a lady that called me

Lady: Are you Robert Williams?

Meek: In the flash (smiling)

Lady: Okay sir Ms Burney is waiting for you. Please follow me

We followed her and her ass looked good in that tight pencil skirt i'd love to tear that ass up we got in a room with Michael holding a sleeping Ayanna in her hands

Michelle: Hello Mr Williams

Meek: Yo I thought your name was Michael Bentley now the lady telling me you're Michael Burney

Michelle: My name is Michelle Burney

Meek: Oh shit my bad ma. So is she ready?

Michelle: Yes Sir, there is her bag

I took her from her arms and laid her head on my shoulder

Meek: Yo bro grab her bag

Meek: O?

I saw him playing with the car toy

Meek: Nigga grab her bag and stop playing

Michelle: Please take good care of her and if you have a problem or issue you are always welcome to call us

I nodded and headed to the car while she followed us. I put Ayanna in the back seat and O sat with her

Meek: You look familiar miss

Michelle: I am the lady you choked earlier

Meek: Okay ma have a good night

I got in the car and drove off I dropped off O at his crib. I drove to my house and carried Ayanna inside I took off her shoes and laid her in my bed.


Nicki POV

It was a Saturday morning and I was tired as hell last night was great I made 28k from only dancing I've stopped robbing people ever since I met Meek. I got up and went to take a shower I'm going to the orphanage to see if Ayanna is back or not. I drove there and the lady at the reception called the lady who got choked by Meek to tell me the "news"

Lady: Hello ma'am

Nicki: Is Ayanna here?

Lady: No her father took her

Nicki: Father?

Lady: Yes Mr Williams took her last night

Nicki: Really? (Smiling)

Lady: Yes

Nicki: Oh my gosh thank you thank you

I kissed her so many times and thanked her once more. I ran to my car and drove to Meek's house. I knocked twice and nobody answered I pushed the door but it was locked I went to his back yard and saw Ayanna playing in the living room I knocked on the sliding door and she ran to the door with a big ass smile she couldn't open it so she went and called Meek a few seconds later she came back dragging Meek. He opened the sliding door and she ran to me hugging my legs I picked her up and kissed her cheeks

Nicki: I missed you baby

Meek: I missed you too shawty

Nicki: I was talking to Ayanna

Meek: Oh my bad

Excuse any errors

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