Chapter Twenty one

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Nicki POV

Meek left without telling us where he was going I'm stuck with a crying Denim whose sleeping on my chest I reached for Terrance's card and dialed his number the phone rang and no one answered it. I called again and he answered it

Phone convo:

Terrance: Stevenson hello

Nicki: Terrance please don't hurt Ayanna I'm begging you

Terrance: Oh Cookie I see you got my message

Nicki: Look you can take me instead please bring back my baby

Terrance: I gave you enough time and you wasted it now your baby will have to pay

Nicki: Terrance please bring her back Meek's coming for you

Terrance: That low life boyfriend of yours can't touch me I'm untouchable I'll send you the address to get her corpse. Love you Cookie

He laughed and hung up

Nicki: No no no

I cried he's gonna hurt my baby I laid Denim on the bed and went to Na's bedroom she was on facetime with some dude

Nicki: Nasheema Denim is sleeping in my room if Meek doesn't come back please call the police I'll be back

I left before she could respond I took Meek's car and went downtown were I'd usually sell the stolen possession the store was closed I saw a guy standing next to the store wearing sunglasses with his hands in his pocket I went over to him

Nicki: Hello I'm looking for a Mexican bald guy with lots of tattoos he kinda runs a gold exchange typa business

The dude looked at me

???: You mean José?

He said with his Russian accent

Nicki: Yeah him

???: He moved back to Mexico lady you're too late

He said then looked the other way Jesus Christ I'm never gonna see my baby ever again I looked around and went back to the car and called Terrance but it was picked up by a little girl

Phone convo:

Little girl: Hello this is my daddy's phone

Nicki: Where's your dad?

Little girl: I don't know

Nicki: May I ask who am I speaking to?

Little girl: Melissa Stevenson

Nicki: Oh what a pretty name how are old are you?

Melissa: I'm five

I heard him talk in the background

Terrance: What are you doing with my phone?

Melissa: I'm talking to a friend

I heard shuffling

Terrance: Whose this?

Nicki: It's Cookie

Terrance: Oh how can I help?

Nicki: Can I please talk to Ayanna for a minute?

He laughed

Terrance: She can't talk

And the line went dead I started panicking what if she's dead? Meek is gonna kill me I should've listened to Candice I picked up my phone and dialed Sherika's number

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