Chapter Five

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Nicki POV

"What?" My heart literally dropped when he said that

"Just kidding lil mama I came to introduce ya to my nigga" he put his hand on my left shoulder

"That's Omelly over there he gon be here if I'm busy he ain't gon hurt you so relax"

"Okay" I nodded

"Good girl" he started kissing me he added a little tongue making it sloppy Omelly cleared his throat

"Y'all can tongue each other down when I ain't here" he mean mugged us

We both laughed

"Ima see you later babe"

They both left and I just sat there I'm really bored I miss my phone I would be taking selfies or listening to music. After long hours of just sitting Rihmeek came to the basement he unchained me "let's go"

"Where we going?" I asked

"To my room" he grabbed my hand when we got there we sat on the bed and he gave me food I started eating while he was busy with his phone

"Rihmeek why am I in your room?" I asked curiously

"Number 1 don't call me Rihmeek I'm Monster or Meek to you and I bought you here cause you said you was bored"

"Well thank you I appreciate it" I laid on the bed and watched TV

"And forget about your plan to escape it ain't gonna work" he put his phone in his pocket and pulled me closer to him

How does he know that I was planning to escape? Maybe it's my destiny to be stuck with his mean ass for eternity I might as well get used to it I laid my head his chest and went to sleep

Next morning

I woke up to somebody shaking me I opened my eyes and it was a pregnant female rubbing her stomach

"Are you okay?" She asked with a concern look

"Yeah I'm alright" I sat up

"Who are you and how did you get here?"

"I'm Nicki and I- (gco)" Meek walked in

"That's O's girl and stop questioning her" he grabbed my hand and we went downstairs

"Don't talk to her okay?" He said with seriousness

"Okay" I nodded

"Now go make yourself some breakfast" I went into the kitchen and Meek followed me he sat on a chair and took out his phone I looked at the door and it was slightly opened I looked back at Meek he wasn't even paying attention I opened the refrigerator and looked for something to eat I took out two eggs and looked back at the door it was still open I closed the fridge and put my eggs on the counter Meek stood up and went to the door he locked it and put the key in his pocket "Your plan ain't never gon work" he said with evil in his eyes

I pouted "I'm not hungry" I sat next to him

"Okay go back go the basement" I went to the basement and he chained me then left

Candi POV

I've been calling Nicki and she hasn't been answering my calls I went to her "workplace" and her boss said she hasn't been to work for a few days which is surprising cause Nicki loves dancing. Today I'm going to sleep at her house in case she decides to come back I really miss my best friend I went to her house and it was messy I started to clean and I started cooking dinner I called her again and it went to voicemail I ate and went to sleep in her bedroom I wish she was here with me


Next morning

I woke up and I was still alone I called her and it went to voicemail I got out of bed and took a shower after I was done I went through her closet and wore her leggings and a tank top I called her again and this time my call was answered

Phone convo:

???: Yo

Candi: Nicki?

???: She ain't available at the moments

Candi: Who are you?

???: I'm her daddy the fuck is you?

Candi: I'm her best friend pig tell her to call me

???: If she lives

Candi: What do you mean?

???: She a feisty one I could make a lot of mula outta her

Candi: What? Where is she? Is she safe?

???: Maybe

Then he hung up and I started panicking what if he sold Nicki my best friend must be terrified "I'm gonna save you Nicki " I said to myself I drove to the police station

PO: Can I help you ma'am?

Candi: I think my best friend has been kidnapped

PO: What's her name?

Candi: Onika Maraj


Meek POV

I was eating my chicken sandwich when Nicki's phone started ringing it has been ringing nonstop starting to give me a headache I answered it and turns out it was her "bestie" after the call I knew she was going to the police I took the battery and the sim card out. I went to the basement and found shawty crying

"Fuck you crying for?" I sat on a chair

"Meek I'm sorry I'll pay you back just please let me go I'll find your jewellery I'll do anything just please let me go I'm begging you"

She really funny those crocodiles tears ain't fooling me

"Where you gon get my shit?" I got closer to her

"I don't know but me sitting here won't get your jewellery" she right

"Yeah you're right on that one but I don't need my jewellery no more I could make millions outta your pretty ass" I smirked

"What? You're gonna sell me?"

"Kinda I'm thinking of being your pimp daddy, watchu think?"

"No Meek please" she started crying again weak ass female

"You could make money for daddy then I'll let you go"

"Okay" she nodded

I unchained her and took her to the bathroom she started undressing and got in the bathtub I went to Kayla's closet and took some clothes for shawty I went back to the bathroom and she was still there I sat there and watched her after she was done I gave her the clothes there was a knock and I went downstairs and found Omelly in my fridge

"Nigga fuck is you doing in my house?" I mean mugged him

"I came to check up on my favourite cuz" he smiled

"You left my door open and you here eating my food you don't pay rent and ain't buying food up in here"

And out of nowhere shawty ran out of the house I looked at Omelly and he was drinking juice from the box I went outside and no sign of shawty

Excuse any errors

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