Chapter Fourty One

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Nicki POV

I woke up and Ayanna was all over me I gently laid her on the other side of the bed and went to the bathroom Max jumped out of bed and followed me

"Good morning baby boy" I said making kissy faces he started wagging his tail

"You should go back to sleep it's way too early" I said as I took out my toothpaste

He just stood there and starred at me I put down my toothbrush and toothpaste and carried him to the bedroom I put him on the bed

"Go to sleep" I said sternly and went back to the bathroom

I got in the shower and turned on the water I just stood there thinking about Meek I started crying my baby is out there in the world, alone without me by his side after I was done crying I showered and got dressed I ran Ayanna a warm bath and added some foam I woke Ayanna up she whined for hours

"Mommy I'm still sleeping" she said facing the other direction

"Come on Ayanna, aunt Tem is waiting for us" she quickly got up

"Really mommy?" She asked with a smile

"Yes so hurry up"

"Okay don't leave me" she said walking into the bathroom

I followed her and Max followed me she was already naked

"Better not take your time" I said

She quickly hid her baby nipples I don't even know what to call that shit

"Girl what are you hiding?"

"My boobs" she said giggling

"You're such a drama Queen" I said playfully rolling my eyes and leaving her to take her bath in private

I went to her room and picked out her outfit Max was right behind me I laid her outfit on the bed and went back to my room and Max kept following me

"You need to chill playboy I'm not running away" I said to him and he just stared at me

I made the bed and put the dirty laundry in the washing machine I went to the bathroom and Ayanna was singing

"Are you done?" I asked walking with a towel

"Yes" she stood up

I wrapped the towel around her small body and picked her up I carried her to my bedroom I put her on the bed and she wiped herself I applied lotion on her body

"No Mama I can do it" she said

"Okay grown woman, go ahead" I let her apply lotion on herself which was probably the worst idea but that's how we all learn

"There's clothes on ya bed and when you done come back here so Mama can do your hair okay?" She nodded and ran to her bedroom butt ass naked

I went to clean the bathtub and then took out her hair products she came back with Max right behind her I sat on the bed

"Come sit here" I patted her spot between my thighs

She sat down and Max sat on her lap

"You gonna do Max hair?" She asked as she petted Max

"No that isn't necessary" I answered

"It is necessani to do mine?" She asked

"Is it necessary to do yours?" I asked making sure that I understand what she's trying to say

She nodded

"It is cause you got a lot of hair and it is messy"

"And Max don't got a lot of hair and messy hair?" She asked

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