Chapter Twenty Five

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Nicki POV

Meek and I were watching Knocked Up while Ayanna was sleeping on Meek's chest

"Don't you want me to knock you up?" He asked licking his lips

"No I can't take care of three babies you and Yaya and another baby" I shook my head

"We can make it four babies plus you know daddy's gentle" he smirked

"Nigga you nasty" he laughed

It was silent for a while until I broke the silence

"I think we should throw Yaya a party since we don't know her real date of birth" I turned and looked at him

"Yeah that's a good idea plus my princess deserves to get spoiled, have you thought of a date yet?"

"Yeah the 4th of October it gives us enough time to plan her birthday"

"I like it so should I get you an event planner or something like that?" He asked

"No I'll be fine" he kissed me

"You hear that babygirl Mommy's throwing you a big surprise birthday party" he kissed her forehead

"It should be a secret"

"She sleeping she can't hear me"

"Wake her up I'm tired of talking to your ugly ass"

"Nah let her get her beauty sleep"

I kissed her forehead and she was sweating I took a baby wipe and wiped her forehead

"She's sweating and it ain't even hot" I said to Meek

"That bloody doctor better hurry up with them test results" he cussed

I kept quiet I feel like Terrance did something to her but I can't complain cause it's my fault that she was kidnapped I hope the test results come back negative

She slowly opened her eye and laid on Meek's chest with a frown

"You final awake princess how was your sleep?" I asked her she still had a frown

"Tell mommy she ruined your beauty sleep" Meek kissed her forehead

She was still quiet she always does this when she did not have enough sleep I went downstairs and made cereal for since she only ate a piece of Meek's bacon this morning I went back to the bedroom and sat on the bed

"You want me to feed you?"

She nodded I started feeding her and that's when she started talking she was singing songs I don't even know it's like she was mumbling

"Daddy ying with Yaya" she said touching Meek's face

"Daddy should sing with Yaya?" He asked

She nodded then I fed her

"Tell mommy to sing with Yaya" she then looked at me


"I'll only sing with you if you finish eating"

She finished eating and we started singing

"Y'all sound like a bunch of dying whales" Meek said

"Yo daddy a hater babygirl, say daddy a hater"

"Daddy a hater" she said with an attitude

"Good girl" I clapped my hands and kissed her cheek

"It's fine you'll need daddy one day and as for you Onika no more sausage roll for you" he stood up and left

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