Chapter Fifteen

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Nicki POV

I was washing the dishes when I heard a knock on my door I wiped my hands with a dry dish cloth and looked through the peep hole and saw Kayla I rolled my eyes how does she know where I live. I opened the door and let her in

Nicki: How can I help you?

Kayla: Where's Meek?

She said with an attitude

Nicki: What do you want from him?

Kayla: It's non of your business

Nicki: It's my house bitch so it makes it my business

Kayla: Just call my HUSBAND

Nicki: Bitch please we both know he ain't your husband

Meek came down the stairs

Meek: What's up with all that noise?

Kayla: Hey baby

She said going towards Meek and trying to hug him

Meek: Get ya nasty hands off of me what you want

Kayla: We gotta buy stuff for our son

Meek: Our son? Bitch that ain't my child

Kayla: Well lemme refresh your memory Robert, remember when we were in Atlanta and had sex in the car you didn't wear protection and didn't pull out cause my pussy good

She said with a smirk I wish I could slap the shit outta her but I don't wanna go to jail

Kayla: You're gonna be a part of our son's life whether you like it or not

She left and I looked at Meek and rolled my eyes going into the kitchen I felt Meek pull me by my arm and choke me

Meek: Didn't I warn you about that shit?

I quickly nodded

Meek: Do it again and see what happens

He let me go and went back upstairs after I was done I went to our bedroom and saw Ayanna sleeping on Meek's chest I kissed her forehead and sat next to them he put his hand on my thigh

Meek: I'm sorry Nicky I guess I need to learn how to control my anger I honestly don't wanna hurt you

Nicki: It's okay but you gotta start taking your medication

I saw him sighing and looking away

Nicki: I know you don't wanna hear it but it's the only way you can get better I'm afraid you might hurt Ayanna

Meek: Okay I'll go to the hospital tomorrow

I kissed him and also laid on his chest it felt so comfortable


Meek POV

It was around 1 am when I woke up and decided to deal with Kayla's annoying ass for once and for all I got up and went downstairs making sure not to wake Nicki or Ayanna I got there and got in my car I know where her ugly ass at I drove to her sister's house and parked in the driveway I broke down the front door and went to the bedrooms I looked for her until I found her she was snoring with her mouth open such a pig I got in bed and woke her up

Meek: Yo, yo wake up

She woke up when she saw me she smiled

Kayla: Robbie baby I knew you'd come back you missed me didn't you?

Meek: I ain't miss ya ugly ass why you came to Nick's house?

Kayla: We have to start planning for our son's arrival

I chuckled I moved closed to her and slapped her and she slapped me back

Meek: I see you grew some balls

I stood up and went to the closet and started searching

Kayla: What are you doing? Why you going through my stuff

I finally got what I was looking for I wrapped it around my arm and walked towards her

Kayla: What are you doing with my belt? Meek don't break my Gucci belt please don't

I hit her thighs with the belt and she fell on the floor she tried to stand up but I hit her again but this time I hit her harder

Kayla: Meek please don't kill my baby I'm begging you

She begged with tears streaming down her face I dropped the belt and picked her up by her neck and choked her she started to lose her breath I let her go and she dropped to her knees I took out my gun and finished her her sister came running into the room

Helen: What did you do? Meek are you crazy?

I looked at Kayla crying while holding her stomach with blood all over her I got out and went back to Nicki's crib I slowly walked in and saw Nicki watching TV

Why the hell is she up?

She looked at me and ran to me

Nicki: Where were you? I was worried sick about you

She hugged me and I hugged back

Meek: I was handling some business you know

Nicki: Okay let's go to bed

I followed her upstairs and went to the bathroom I washed my hands and took off my clothes I wore clean boxers and joined Nicki

Meek: Where's princess?

Nicki: She's in the other room

I nodded and kissed her forehead

Meek: Goodnight baby

Nicki: Goodnight daddy

She laid her head on my chest and I wrapped my arms around her. Things are finally coming together I thought to myself


I woke up and Nicki was still sleeping I went to the bathroom and did my business I went to the kitchen and ordered breakfast from Five Guys they delivered the food and I put the food on Nicki and Ayanna's plate I put Ayanna's in the oven and took Nicki's plate to her. She was still sleeping I put the tray on the mini table and woke her up she woke up and sat up a bit I gave her the tray and she looked confused

Nicki: This is for me?

I nodded

Nicki: Where did you get this?

Meek: I cooked

Nicki: You cooked?

Meek: Yeah I cooked for my woman

She smiled

Nicki: Thank you baby even though I know you didn't cook but thank you

Meek: I'm trying to make you happy

Nicki: I really appreciate it Meeky

I sat next to her and kissed her cheek

Nicki: Ain't you gonna dish up for yourself?

Meek: Nahh

Nicki: Are you nursing your figure?

Meek: Yeah I'm getting my summer body ready

We both laughed

Excuse any errors

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