Chapter Sixty

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Nicki POV

My baby boy is a week old he does look a lot like Meek it's a miracle that I've been carrying this little human and I didn't even know

Thembi, Omelly and Ayanna have been really helpful Ayanna always reminds me to make enough bottles for her little brother

I hate waking up at 2 am in the morning and feeding him but I'm glad he sleeps a lot at least I can do somethings and catch up with Ayanna

"Mommy why does Dani sleep a lot?" Ayanna asked

She has a nickname for everyone

"I don't know baby" I said

"Why don't you know? If you don't know how am I gonna know?" She asked

"When you get older you'll find out for yourself" I said

"Can I call him Dani boy?" She asked

"Yeah" I said

"Can I call you Nicki girl?" She asked

"No" I said

"That's okay Wicki" she said smiling


I went through the exhausting security process they are so unnecessary I'm late and they still wanna make sure I ain't got no weapons or drugs on me when they were down I sat down and waited for Meek

When I saw Meek coming through that door I couldn't help but smile I really hate him for what he has done but I really love him

He is the love of my life

"Hey babe" he said

"Hi Meek" I said

"Always looking good" he said smiling

"I gave birth" I said

He looked at me and laughed

"I forgot how to laugh" he said still laughing

"I'm serious Meek I didn't know I was pregnant" I said

I took out the pictures of my baby and showed him

"Wait you being for real? You gave birth as in push out the baby through your cookie?" He asked


"Damn he fine as hell, he look like me though" he said smiling looking at the picture


"What did you name him?" He asked

"Daniel Robert Williams" I said

"I love it" he said smiling

"Ayanna loves it too" I said

"How's my baby girl doing?" He asked

"She's doing good" I said

"I miss her so much"

"She misses you too"

"Do you miss me?" He asked

"I'm currently living with Omelly and Thembi so don't call the telephone at home but I'm moving back in about 2 days"

"How you holding up?" He asked

"I'm okay, how are you?" I asked

"I'm fine, it ain't really that luxurious but it's aight" he said

"I wish I could kiss you" I said

He smiled and licked his lips

"I wish I could do more than kiss you" he said

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