Chapter Twenty Six

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Nicki POV

I woke up in the middle of the night and went to the bathroom I came back and the bed was empty

The fuck this nigga go?

I went to Ayanna's room and she was sleeping peacefully I checked if she was sweating or not and surprisingly she wasn't sweating I pulled the covers on her a bit more and kissed her forehead I went downstairs and made myself coffee I called Meek's phone but it was off I took my cup of coffee and sat on the couch researching why do people sweat in their sleep and it said it may be signs of TB a three year old can't have TB

I decided to look for places to host Ayanna's birthday party I really want an open place with great space there was a knock on the door I went to the door and peeped through the peephole it was the cops I scrunched up my face and opened

Nicki: Hello officer

Officer: Is Mr Williams here?

Nicki: No may I ask what's going on?

Officer: He's a suspect on the murder case of Blake Goldberg

Nicki: Murder suspect?

My stomach turned when he said that

Officer: Yes ma'am please tell him to contact the nearest police station

Nicki: Yeah I will

Officer: Thank you, enjoy your day

He turned around and the female officer who was with him gave me a stank look I closed the door I picked up my phone and called Omelly

Phone convo:

Omelly: Hey Nicki

Nicki: Where's Meek?

Omelly: I'm doing good and you?

Nicki: Nigga I ain't playing where's Meek?

Omelly: I don't know

Nicki: Omelly don't lie to me I know you know where he is the cops are looking for him saying he's a murder suspect for Blake or Blank

Omelly: Damn how they found out?

Nicki: You know about this

Omelly: Damn Nic it's fuckin' 3 am this ain't the time for you to be yelling and shit look I'll tell Meek to contact you or somethin' like that

Nicki: Tell him to come home now

Omelly: Cool, peace

He hung up on me stupid ass how could Meek kill a person well he is capable of that but why and when maybe it was that night when he said his coworker got hurt and shit I knew he was lying I wonder where he went at this hour of the night he better not be doing anything illegal

I waited for Meek to come back home he didn't call or anything I switched on the TV while waiting for Meek it was now 05:47 when Meek decided to come back home he was sneaking and tiptoeing thinking I was sleeping he slowly closed the door and turned around

Nicki: Where have you been?

Meek: Hey babe, why are you up at this hour? You ran outta sleep?

Nicki: Meek answer my question where the hell have you been?

I raised my voice

Meek: Who the hell you think you talking to?

Nicki: I'm talking to you Rihmeek

Meek: Rihmeek sounds better when you moaning

He licked his lips

Nicki: Meek I'm not playing with you the cops came here looking for you saying you're a murder suspect did you kill somebody?

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