Chapter Fifty Six

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Nicki POV

I was studying from home today I can't wait to get my degree and finally start working I was still in my pyjamas I don't see the need to change Ayanna's dogs were sleeping next to me I'm glad they are behaving unlike their mother

As I was taking a study break there was a knock at the door I got up and looked through the peephole it was a lady with 2 guys I opened the door

"Hi" I said with a warm smile

"Hello ma'am I'm Dorris McCarter from the child protection services" she said

"O-kay how can I help you Ms Dorris?" I asked

"I'm looking for a Robert Williams concerning a 4 year old girl who was stole" she said

"They stole his daughter?" I asked

"No he stole a 4 year old girl and her relatives are looking for her"

"Mr Williams would never do such a thing he is a very good man" I said

"Does he live here?" She asked

"No he used to, I just recently bought this house" I said

"And you are?"

"I'm Onika Maraj" I said

"Do you know where I can find him?"

"No ma'am" I said

"You better not be lying to me Ms Maraj" she said

"I'm not lying ma'am, I'm telling you the truth" I said

"Thank you for your time, we will come back if we need anything" she said

"Okay have a good day" I said

She walked away looking at me like she was suspecting something

I closed the door and panicked

I picked up my phone and dialed Meek's number

Phone number:

Meek: Baby baby

Nicki: Meek you need to come home, we're in trouble

Meek: Woah calm down baby, what's wrong?

Nicki: Child protection services was here looking for Ayanna they know that you stole her

Meek: Okay I'm on my way

He said then hung up I quickly changed and wore my clothes

I ate Pringles while waiting for him he finally arrived within 20 minutes and I explained everything to him

"We need to leave" he said

"What? We can't do that we just moved in" I said

"Do you want to lose Ayanna?"


"Then we need to start packing right now" he said

"Where are we going?" I asked

"Far away, where they can't find us" 

"No Meek I'm studying I can't just leave" I said

"Do you wanna go to jail?"

"No but I can't run I'm not a criminal"

"What are you tryna say? Are you saying I'm a criminal?"

"No Meek"

"Then what? Huh?" He asked

I ran my hands through my face

"I don't wanna live on the run Meek we can't raise Ayanna like that" I said

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