Chapter Thirty One

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Nicki POV

Ayanna's birthday party is in 2 days and today we're going shopping to buy Meek's outfit he doesn't know that I'm buying him something he wanted to wear this ugly ass outfit to my baby's party we walked into this store called Metro Men's clothing I grabbed Ayanna's hand tightly as we walked in

"What to buy first babygirl?" I asked Ayanna


We went to the shoe section and there was this guy who was eyeing me I pretended that I didn't see him

"Which shoes should I buy for ya dad?"

She shrugged her shoulders I looked around

"Hey ladies, do you need any help?" The guy who was eyeing me asked

"Not yet"

"Well of you need any help, just shout"

"Okay I will" I said trying to get rid of him

He left and went back to where he was standing

"Mama?" She said tapping my leg

"Yes Ayanna?" I said looking at her

"Daddy said don't talk to stangers"

"Daddy said we mustn't talk to strangers?"

She nodded

Wow at least he's teaching her something good other than those bad words

"Oh I didn't know that babygirl"

"I gonna tell him and he pop you" she said as she pouted and folded her arms

"You evil just like your dad" I said as I grabbed her hand and went over to the other section

After half an hour of deciding what to buy for Meek I finally had his whole outfit I went over to the till and paid for it I paid with my card and went to buy food

"What to eat Yaya?" I asked

"Tick fil" she said with a smile

"Well tick fil it is then"

I bought food and on our way to the car she wanted me to carry her

"I can't carry food, dad's clothes and you Yaya I only have two hands" she whined and started crying

"Mommy please" she said with her bottom lip poked out

I finally gave in I gave her a piggy back ride with Meek's clothes on one hand and our food on the other

"Hold on tightly princess"

I walked to the car and put our food on the passenger seat I put Ayanna in her carseat together with Meek's clothes I drove home and they were 3 different cars in our driveway

I got out with the bags and Ayanna ran to the backyard I went to the same direction as her and saw the Chasers the fuck they doing here Ayanna was on Omelly's lap smiling and shit like she's Omelly's girlfriend

"Hi guys" I greeted

"Hey sis" they said

Meek stood up and came over to me he smiled as he approached me someone's in a good mood he hugged me

"Wassup shawty" he then kissed my forehead

"Nothing I bought some food I hope it'll be enough for y'all" I said as we walked inside the house

"Thanks wifey, watchu gon' eat?" He asked as he walked towards me and put his hands on my waist

"I'll make a sandwich" I said

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