Chapter Thirty Six

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Nicki POV

Ayanna decided that she wanted to spend time with "Owelly" so she's over there and today I've decided to take Meek to the hospital since he's been acting strange he would call my name and just stare at me then smile sometimes when I wake up in the middle of the night I find him starring at my pictures in his phone he does take his medication and all but he's acting strange I'm starting to think that maybe he needs to see a psychologist

I came out of the shower doing my first lady walk and Meek was sitting on the bed starring at me

"It's rude to stare" I said fixing my towel

"Not when you starring at something beautiful, come here baby" he said as he motioned

I went over to him and stood in front of him he pulled me to his lap and kissed me

"I love you Onika, more than anything" he said looking at me in my eyes

"I love you too Meeky" I kissed him back

He undid my towel and sucked my neck I put my hand in his pants and massaged his manhood he groaned and grabbed one of my boobs putting it in his mouth and sucking it as hard as possible I moaned in pleasure I felt his fingers playing with my second pair of lips 


"Yaya get off of that chair" I said to her

"But mommy I wanna play" she pouted

"Ayanna we don't play with food so get off before I whoop ya ass" I scolded

"Meanie" she got off the chair with a pout

"I'll take you to the police and you won't have a mother" I said

"And I'll take myself to the charity home and you won't have a child" she answered

This girl got a big mouth

"Go ahead" I said

"I'm gonna tell my daddy to take me there" she said going to the "man cave"

"Bye Felicia" I said waving goodbye to her

Spoilt brat she was probably playing with food at Omelly's house I took the apple sauce and put it in the fridge I wiped the counter with a wet rag Meek and Ayanna came in the kitchen

"Why y'all fighting?" Meek asked

"She was playing with food" I answered

Meek looked at Ayanna

"Is it true princess?"

She slowly nodded he sighed and picked her up he put her on top of the counter

"Listen to me princess you're not supposed to play with food okay? There are a lot of starving people out there who would do anything to get food that you're wasting so if you don't want to eat I'm gonna take your food and give it to them understand?"

"Yes" she said lowly

"Good girl" he kissed her forehead and put her down

She looked at me with those big watery eyes and hugged my leg I picked her up

"I'm kidding princess I'll never take you to the police, mommy loves you waaaaay too much" I said hugging her tightly


"Mommy where's my daddy?" She asked walking into my room

"He went to buy food"

"Mommy I also want shiny things"

"What shiny things?" I asked confused

"Me and Dad went to a store where they sell shiny things"


"Yeah" she nodded

"Why we're y'all in a gun store?"

"And daddy asked which to buy and I said all then Tem chose one for you I know you will like it mommy"

"Tem? You mean Thembi?"

She nodded

"Why y'all buying me a gun I don't need one"

"Shhh Dad said don't tell anymore" she said whispering

"I won't my lips are sealed"

She smiled and left I need to ask Meek why he is taking my baby to a gun store and why is he buying me a gun 


"Where have you been?" I asked standing by the door

"Uhm I was, I was looking for food" I know he is lying

"Meek don't lie to me" I semi yelled

"Nicki chill" he tried to touch me but I refused

"No Meek you're lying to me, are selling drugs and killing people again?" I asked

"No I'm not"

"Then why we're y'all at a gun store?" I asked

"Gun store?" He asked acting dumb

"Ayanna said y'all were in a gun store"

"She lyin"

"She's a child, kids don't lie Meek"

"She is I ain't take her to a gun store"

"She told me y'all we're in a store where they sold shiny shit" I said

He sighed

"Meek tell me the truth or I'm calling the cops" I said folding my arms

"Okay I'll show you, lemme go get Ayanna" he said as he went upstairs and came back with a sleeping Ayanna in his arms

We went to his car and he drove to some weird place he got out and carried Ayanna I followed him he opened the door and turned on the lights it was a hallway, the longest hallway ever he walked in front and I followed behind him we were heading towards a double door I bet behind that door there's something weird or dangerous going on we finally got to the door and he opened it I got in first and there was a stage with s big ass TV, flowers, chairs and table decorated in pink and purple I looked around

"What's all this?"

"I was here the whole time I was going to propose to you tomorrow night and the shiny store was a jewellery store, you ruined all my plans I hope you're happy" he said as he gave me the ring

I looked at him and saw nothing but sadness and disappointment my eyes got watery I'm the worst girlfriend ever

Excuse any errors

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