Chapter Twelve

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Nicki POV

I opened my eyes and I was blinded by the bright light a lady came up to me with a clipboard "It's good that you finally woke up Mrs Williams" she smiled

"Where am I?" I tried to sit up

"It's okay Mrs Williams you're in good hands I'm Nurse Peterson and I'll do everything in my power to help you get better but for now let me go call the doctor" she left and I was still confused why the fuck was she calling me Mrs Williams I sat up and I saw Meek sitting on the couch looking at me with those evil eyes I opened my mouth but nothing came out

He walked up to me and stroked my hair "I didn't mean to hurt you this badly I'm sorry Nic" he left but came back a few seconds later "I'll have all your clothes delivered to your house by tomorrow, it was nice knowing you" he left and never came back. Does this mean I'm going home? I was taken out of my thoughts by the doctor knocking on my door


Today it's theee day that I can finally go back to my own house I really missed my house Candi came to pick me up and took me to her house I'll be here for only a few days since my left arm can't work properly. I was laying in bed in the guestroom when Candi opened the door "Nic I'm going to the mall I'll be back in a few hours" she blew kisses and left. I tried sleeping but all I kept seeing was Ayanna smiling and playing with Meek's phone I shed a few tears I woke up and called Meek it rang but he didn't answer I called him again and he answered

Phone convo:

Meek: What?

Nicki: I miss you Meek

Meek: How about you go and rob people their money cause that's what you're good at

Nicki: I just want you to hold me and make me feel special

Nicki: Hello?? Meek? Are you there?

This nigga just hang up on me I laid there and just cried I'm lonely. Meek and Ayanna were the only people I had I cried myself to sleep.


2 days later

I was finally in my own house which felt even more lonely I tried watching TV, cooking, swimming, reading books but none of them can actually distract me from thinking about Meek and Ayanna. I decided to go to Meek's house and try to solve this problem he really loved Ayanna. I got there and stood on the door for a moment before knocking a guy opened up and smirked when he saw me "Wassup shawty?"

"Is Meek here?" He nodded he let me in and I could feel him starring at my ass I walked into the kitchen and found Meek drinking a whole bottle of Skyy Vodka leaning against the wall

"Meek?" I said sweetly

He looked at me and frowned

"What do you want? You also want to take me to the orphanage huh?"

"No I want us to fix things"

"Fix what? You took my heart, stabbed it and threw it away like a used condom"

"Meek don't say that I really care about you"

"Care? You don't know the meaning of care if you really cared about me you wouldn't take Ayanna to the orphanage all I ever did was to try and make you happy I know I'm not perfect but she was the only thing that kept me going and you took her away from me" he said crying

I tried to touch him but he pushed me away "get out, go find yourself another nigga that you can use" he said harshly

"But Meek I'm tr-(gco)

" I said get out" he threw the bottle of Vodka against the refrigerator and it shattered I quickly ran towards the door and got out


Meek POV

Bitch made me break the love of my life I picked up the broken pieces of the only thing that understood me I threw the glasses away and walked towards the living room "you niggas better clean my house otherwise I'm shooting y'alls ugly asses" I laughed. I went to my bedroom and decided to sleep

I woke up in the middle of the night sweating I had a dream about Ayanna I reached for my phone on the drawer and dialed Nicki's number it rang a few times before she answered it

Nicki: Meek what's the matter?

Meek: Which orphanage did you take Ayanna to?

Nicki: I forgot the name

Meek: You useless

Nicki: Meek I'm sorry

Meek: I want you here by 6 am in the morning otherwise you'll regret it

I hung up and went back to sleep. I woke up 2 hours later I checked my phone and it was 04:49 am I got up and went to watch TV I watched Ayanna's favourite show which is Tom and Jerry. A few minutes later I decided to take a shower, put on some sweats and a shirt and waited for Nicki. 10 minutes passed by and still no sign of Nicki I called her again

Nicki: Hello

Meek: Where the hell you at?

Nicki: It's 05:28 Meek I'm on my way

Meek: You better be here in 10 minutes or you'll regret it

Nicki POV

I hung up and continued to drive I rushed to his house and found him waiting in the driveway for me I got out of the car

Meek: I've been waiting for you for a long time

Nicki: Meek you said 6 am I'm 25 minutes early

Meek: Whatever get in the car

I got in his car and folded my arms he probably needs some pussy I directed him to the orphanage we got there and he rushed inside I followed behind him he was talking to a lady who I gave Ayanna to. When she saw me she smiled

Lady: Oh hey ma'am I have good news. Ayanna was adopted by a very rich couple I'm sure she's very happy

Meek looked at me with an unreadable facial expression

Excuse any errors

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